ELASabbr. 專家測井分析系統(expert logging analysis system);(希臘語)希臘人民解放軍(Ellinikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos,等於Hellenic People's Army of Liberation)
ELAS 專家測井分析系統;焦慮量表;民族解放軍;艾爾莎;EAM-ELAS 民族解放陣線-人民解放軍;Elas vic-Plastic Mechanics Marketing 彈塑性力學;
1."It's an endemic global phenomenon, " says Peter Mooney, ELAS head of consultancy. 就業法律咨詢服務處咨詢主管彼得
2.At present, we have already provided many famous brands for lots of customers. ELAS'S products have passed through the CE and succeed in European USA Asia market. 目前已為不少客戶打造出許多知名的品牌,愛樂思的產品還通過了CE認證,並成功打入了歐美市場。
3.To eliminate the residual stress formed during the process of ring rolling, the radial ring rolling was simulated by elas-plastics large deformation finite element analysis. 為了消除環件冷軋過程中產生的殘餘應力,採用彈塑性大變形有限元法對環件徑向冷軋過程進行仿真。