





incidence axioms 關聯公理;glancing incidence 掠入角;掠入射;glancing incidence telescope 掠入射望遠鏡;incidence 入射;發生;影響;發病率;Normal incidence 垂直入射(亦見直射聲束);正入射;垂直入射;垂直入射 正入射;


1.We study the dependence of the phase-conjugate reflectivity of 1000ppm Cr:SBN crystal on the parameters of incidence light such as light intensity ratio and the angle of incidence. 針對摻雜量為1000ppm的Cr:SBN晶體,研究了不同的信號光、泵浦光強度比對四波混頻相位共軛反射率的影響,並在固定信號光、泵浦光強度的情況下,研究了不同光束夾角對相位共軛反射率的影響。

2.Results In the 137 eyes, the incidence of graft rejection was 37% and the incidence of graft survival was 80. 1%. 結果經圍手術期處理後,本組137眼高危患者穿透性角膜移植後的免疫排斥率為37%,植片透明率為80。

3.The incidence was higher in training stage than in preparative and antagonistic stage (P<0. 005), and the servicemen from rural areas possessed higher incidence than those from urban areas (P<0. 005). 訓練階段傷病發生率明顯高於準備階段和對抗階段(P<0。005);農村入伍人員傷病發生率明顯高於城市入伍人員(P<0。005)。

4.With the development of society, obsessional neurosis has become now one of neural diseases with high incidence, the incidence of this disease is quite high among university students, too. 隨著社會的發展,強迫症已經成為現今社會一種發病率較高的神經症,在大學生中的發病率也相當高。

5.By adopting breadth-first search, makes spatial heat-supply network tree, and composes branch incidence matrix, chain incidence matrix and fundamental circuit matrix. 採用廣度優先搜索生成空間熱網的「樹」,據此構建樹支關聯矩陣、鏈支關聯矩陣和基本回路矩陣。


low incidence families - 低發生率家族

incidence density ratio - 發病密度率

incidence; incidence rate - 發病率

basic incidence rate - 基礎發病率

extra incidence rate in vaccinated groups - 接種人群的額外發病率

extra incidence rate in onovaccinated groups - 未接種人群的額外發病率

eirnv; extra incidence rate in nonvaccinated groups - 未接種組額外發病率

standardized incidence ratio - 標化發癌率比

cumulative incidence rate - 累積發病率

high incidence families - 高發生率家族


n.年齡發生率 - age incidence

n.入射角,投射角 - angle of incidence

n.基礎發病率 - basic incidence rate

n.齲發病率,齲患率 - caries incidence

n.累積發病率 - cumulative incidence rate

n.未接種組額外發病率 - extra incidence rate in nonvaccinated groups

n.未接種人群的額外發病率 - extra incidence rate in onovaccinated groups

n.接種人群的額外發病率 - extra incidence rate in vaccinated groups

n.家系發病率 - familial incidence

n.掠入射 - glancing incidence

n.掠入射 - grazing incidence

n.高發生率家族 - high incidence families

n.原爆倖存者白血病發生率 - leukemia incidence

n.低發生率家族 - low incidence families

n.陽性率 - positive incidence

n.標化發癌率比 - standardized incidence ratio

n.原爆倖存者整個癌症的危險度 - thyroid cancer incidence

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