inverness[,invə'ness, 'in-]n. 外罩圓領披風的寬鬆長大衣;圓領披風
Inverness 因弗內斯;羊毛格子長披風;印威內斯;披肩外套;dress inverness 披肩式男用外套;Inverness Club 斗篷俱樂部;美國斗篷高爾夫俱樂部;INVERNESS RD 延民禮士道;Inverness Airport 因弗內斯機場;
1.Inverness alley courtyard was Wuchang Zhifu late Qing Jun-Bin of residential, Inverness alley in the Lower East Side, 12
9. 禮士胡同四合院原為清末武昌知府賓俊的住宅,在東城禮士胡同129號。
2.In a historical sense, the Highlanders were a distinct people from the Lowlanders, with Inverness, the only Highland city, usually regarded as their capital. 歷史上的高地居民一直是一個不同於低地人的獨特民族,他們通常把唯一的高地城市因弗內斯當作他們自己的首府。
3.Inverness: approaching Macbeth's castle. Hautboys, and torches. Enter King Duncan, Malcolm, Donaldbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross, Angus, Attendants and Lady Macbeth. 因弗內斯:在麥克白城堡外,帶著雙簧管,火把。入場:丹肯,馬克穆,納德本,班克,尼諾斯,麥克達夫,羅斯,安格斯,僕人和麥克白夫人。