n. flavor ,flavour ,nip ,sapidness
sapidityn. 滋味;有味道;味
sapidity 滋味;風味;味道;有滋味;flavor flavour relish sapidity savor savour smack 滋味;flavour odor sapidity sapor smell taste 味道;
1.Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. 我擁著你入睡,彷彿擁著J大調的夜曲,面對著你,我呼吸的空氣都有你的味道。
2.Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. How… 我擁著你入睡,彷彿擁著J大調的夜曲,面對著你,我呼吸的空氣都有你的味道夢的很深,深的不會再次醒來,叫做命運。
3.Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. How deep your dream is as if your will never wake up again and it is called fate. 我擁著你入睡,北京註冊公司代理,彷彿擁著J大調的夜曲,工商註冊北京,面對著你,工商註冊,我呼吸的空氣都有你的味道夢的很深,營業執照代理,深的不會再次醒來,叫做命運,代辦營業執照。