after leaving school 在離開學校以後;school-leaving age 離校年齡;離校年齡;campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;
1.Big pack saw take in my hand of leave the slip of school procedure, a pair say of ill-wisher appearance:"You this guy be finally leaving a school, school finally hospice! "" 大包看見了我手裡拿著的離校手續的單子,一副幸災樂禍的樣子的說:「你這傢伙終於要離開學校了,學校終於安寧了!」
2.But for some 2% of children, the anxiety of leaving home and going to school is so overwhelming that they are unable to attend school at all; these children have become school phobic. 但是大約有2%的小孩子會對離家與上學感到憂鬱,甚至嚴重到無法上學,被歸類於上學恐懼症。
3.If the old school scold sold The school coal scuttle, The school should scold And scuttle the old school scold. 如果學校守舊派賣掉了學校的煤鬥,學校將責罵並解散學校守舊派。
4.Teachers, who took over from the pre-admission notice of the time, I vaguely aware of leaving school prematurely, on those who lost time in school uniforms slowly being fixed memory. 從老師手中接過預錄取通知書的時候,我就模糊地意識到,過早離開學校,就丟失了那些在校服裡被時間緩緩定格的記憶。
5.In case a sub process node is allowed more then one leaving transition, a mechanism has to be introduced to select a leaving transition. 如果一個子業務程序允許多個離開轉向,那麼需要引入一個機制來選擇離開轉向。