





n. age ,days ,eld ,geezerhood


yearsn. 年;年齡;歲月;年代


years 年代;年華;年份;歲月;score years 二十年;Seven Years 七年;寂寞七歲;寂寞七年;吉他搖滾;Happy Years 歡樂年華;車庫搖滾;Twenty Years 二十年;二十年了;二十年過去了;


1.A snail can sleep for three years. 蝸牛一次睡眠可以長達三年。

2.The museum was built eight years ago. 那個博物館是八年前建造的。

3.They separated after ten years of marriage. 他們夫妻結婚十年就分居了。


I have spent the last five years working specifically in this field. - 過去五年我專門在這個領域裡工作。

What would you like to be doing two years from now? - 兩年後你希望自己在做什麼?

Glad to see you too, we met two years ago. - 我也很高興,我們兩年前見過一次。

Sure. We've been in business about five years now. - 當然。我們創業至今有五年的歷史。

Oh, five or six years ago. - 哦,五六年前。

When he came to the States five years ago, he had only forty dollars in his pocket. - 五年前他來美國時,口袋裡只有40美元。

I'll have to work for years to pay off my college loan. - 我得工作好幾年才能還清助學貸款。

You look much younger than ... years old. - 你看起來比……年輕多啦。

And then, two years ago, my wife died. - 接著, 兩年前我妻子去世了。

My wife died four years ago. - 我妻子四年前去世了。

He started with them almost forty years ago. - 他在那裡做了快四十年了。

It was on his birthday, June second, two years ago. - 是在他生日那天。兩年前的六月二日。

You were four or five years old, I think. - 當時你才四、五歲 我想。

We had a cat when I was eight years old. - 我八歲時養過一隻貓。

If you're under twenty-one years of age ... - 如果你還不到二十一歲……

I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. - 十七年前我把那棟房子賣給你父親的。

you have so much energy and so many years of experience. - 你精力這麼好 ,又有這麼多年的經驗。

John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago, - 六年前 ,John Marchetta讓我在這兒起步,

of forty-three years of on-the-job training. - 關於我四十三年的工作經歷。

Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary. - 為了五年的幸福。祝你結婚五年快樂!

It's five years ago. - 那是五年前了。

about five years ago. - 大約五年前。

even fifty years later. - 五十年之後還是這樣。

Yes. About four years ago. - 是的 ,大約四年前走的。

Donald passed away a couple of years ago. - Donald幾年前去世了。

when I was about eighteen years old. - 那時我差不多十八歲。

It will take a few years for the region to recover economically. - 這個地區的經濟恢復得花幾年的時間。

I have been learning English for three years now. - 我學英語有3年了。

It took years of hard work. - 那需要多年辛苦工作。

I'll have studied English for four years next March. - 到明年三月,我就學了四年的英語了。[將來完成時,表示將完成…,會做完…]

I am 22 years old and have a great job in an advertising agency, working for a very nice boss. - 我22歲,在一家廣告公司有一份如意的工作,為一位很不錯的老闆打工。

I am 60 years old and siingle. - 我六十歲了,仍然單身。

Now after all these years I have fallen head over heels in love. - 這麼多年後的今天我卻為愛而神魂顛倒。

In fact she's 20 years old. - 她只有二十歲。

Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you. - 回顧一下,在這裡和大家一起工作的五年看起來是那麼短暫。

He has spent over six years working in Africa and India. - 在非洲和印度工作了六年。

I was born and raised in Beijing, and I am 25 years old. - 我出生在北京,在那裡長大,我今年25歲了。

During the two years since I took charge of the department. - 在我負責這個部門的兩年中。

After forty years teaching English he thinks it's time to call it a day. - 他教英語四十年,認為該退休了。

It's been 5 years since I last saw you. - 我已5年沒見你了

I'm two years younger than my sister. - 我比我姐小兩歲。

My father is over 60 years old. - 我父親已年過六十了。

My grandma is 40 years older than me. - 我祖母比我大40歲。

I'll work for 5 years and then go back to school. - 我會工作五年,然後會學校。

I graduated from Yale University 5 years ago. - 五年前,我從耶魯大學畢業。

How many years have you been playing pingpong? - 你打乒乓球多少年了?

I was on the track team 10 years ago. - 十年前,我在田徑隊。

I'm two years older than you are. - 我比你小2歲。

My brother is two years younger than I am. - 我的兄弟比我年輕2年。

In fifty years there'll be twenty people per square yard, it is written here. - 這裡寫著,再過五十年每平方碼將要住著20人的人口密度。


average years of a generation - 平均世代年數


n.平均世代年數 - average years of a generation

n.年限 - fixed number of years

隔年結實 - fruit-bearing in alternate years

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