bundsn. 堤岸工程;河岸;碼頭(bund的複數)
bunds 堤岸工程;Newspaper Fashion THE BUNDS 外灘畫報 三省一市;The Bunds II 上海灘續集;re-profiling of pond bunds to create shallows 修整塘基以製造淺水區;
1.One explanation was that in skittish markets Bunds were prized for their extra liquidity. 一種解釋是在變幻莫測的市場中人們特別青睞流動性特好的債券。
2.However, the interest rate premium demanded by investors in 10-year Greek bonds over German bunds has stabilised this week. 不過,希臘10年期國債與德國10年期國債的息差本周已經趨穩。
3.Temporary ditches such as channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers shall be provided to facilitate run-off discharge into stormwater drain, via a silt retention pond; 應挖掘臨時壕溝等排水道,及設置土堤或沙包屏障,以利便徑流通過淤泥沉積池才排入雨水渠;