chromatid['krəumətid]n. 染色單體,染色半體;染色分體
chromatid 染色單體;染色單體:複製後兩個染色體著絲粒相連,其中的任意一條稱為染色單體。;染色分體;染色半體;daughter chromatid 子染色單體;子染色分體;子染銫單體;釋義:子染色單體;chromatid gap 染色單體間隙,染色單體裂隙;染色單體裂隙;染色分體間隙;染色單體間隙,染色單體裂隙;chromatid segregation 染色單體分離;染色分體分離;釋義:染色單體分離;chromatid interference 染色單體干涉;釋義:染色單體干擾,染色單體干涉;染 色單體 干擾;
1.The spirally coiled central filament of a chromatid along which the chromomeres are aligned. 化石蕨類植物的一科,是以莖上顯著呈螺旋排列的葉座為特徵。
2.To investigate the incidence of sister chromatid exchange ( SCE ) and its influencing factors. 探討影響姐妹染色單體互換(SCE)頻率的因素。
3.Sister-chromatid cohesion is thought to be mediated by ring-shaped protein structures called cohesin complexes (1). 姐妹染色單體內聚力被環形蛋白質結構調停,稱作內聚力聯合體(1)。
sister chromatid exchange - 姐妹染色單體互換
sister chromatid exchange test - 姐妹染色單體交換試驗
sister chromatid differentiation - 姐妹染色單體差別染色法
chromatid nondisjunction - 染色單體不分離
chromatid intercxhange - 染色單體互換
chromatid break; ctb - 染色單體斷裂
chromatid bridge - 染色單體橋
chromatid aberration - 染色單體畸變
chromatid gaps; chromatidgaps - 染色單體裂縫
chromatid gaps; chromatidgaps - 染色單體隙
chromatid aberration; chromatid aberration,radiation-induced; radiationinduced - 輻射誘發的染色單體畸變
n.子染色單體 - daughter chromatid
n.環染色單體 - loop chromatid
非姊妹染色單體 - nonsister chromatid
n.姐妹染色單體 - sister chromatid
n.姐妹染色單體差別染色法 - sister chromatid differentiation
n.姐妹染色單體互換 - sister chromatid exchange
n.姐妹染色單體交換試驗 - sister chromatid exchange test
姊妹染色 - sister chromatid reunion
n.亞染色單體 - sub chromatid