





Association of American Railroads Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners 加拿大防火處長和消防專員協會;Association of American Railroads Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners 加拿大防火處長和消防專員協會;Chinese Acrobats Association 中國雜技藝術家協會;中國雜技藝術家協會----------------;中國雜技藝術家協會——;中國雜武藝術家協會----------------;China Association of Actuaries 中國精算師協會;California Certified Acupuncturists Association 加州執照針灸醫師公會;


1.It is the multimember of China tourism Association, UFTAA China Travel Hotel Association, China Information Association and China Computer Users Association. 主要從事國際信息網絡、中國旅遊旅遊網絡和電子商務系統的研究與開發;

2.Association accepts Hunan Province to pack the guidance of technical association and association of area science and technology. 協會接受湖南省包裝技術協會和地區科學技術協會的指導。

3.Drill down operator of association rules, which follows the same concept of OLAP, can analyze the association rules and mine its son association rules. 關聯規則的下鑽操作沿襲了OLAP中的下鑽的概念,它是通過對已經挖掘得到的用戶感興趣的規則進行再分析,挖掘出用戶感興趣的子關聯規則。

4.Article 170 The securities dealers association and the stock exchange shall specify in its articles of association/incorporation or its bylaws provisions relating to arbitration. 第170條(仲裁事項之訂明)證券商同業公會及證券交易所應於章程或規則內,訂明有關仲裁之事項。

5.Researches on characteristics of mineral rock association show that there is a great interdependency between gas oil enrichments and types of association. 鄂爾多斯盆地古生界與中生界是重要的油氣儲層,礦物岩石組合特徵研究表明,組合類型與油氣富集存在明顯相關性。


world association of societies of pathology - 世界病理學會聯合會

antituberculosis association of china - 中國防癆協會

subunit association factor - 亞單位聯合因子

association of activity and inertia - 動靜結合

pregnancy association glycoprotein - 妊娠相關糖蛋白

association constant - 締合常數

association rate - 締合速率

association cnter - 聯合中樞

association areas - 聯合區

association mechenism - 聯合機理

association nernve - 聯合神經

association neuron - 聯合神經元

association fibers - 聯合纖維

united ostomy association inc - 聯合造術協會

association arease - 聯合麻痺

association neurosis - 聯想性神經機能病

association test - 聯想測驗

association tract - 聯絡束

association cortex - 聯絡皮質

association neuron - 聯絡神經元

association fibers - 聯絡纖維

association of the spleen and the stomach; the spleen is closely related to the stomach - 脾合胃

association of pharmacists - 藥劑師協會

word association test - 語詞聯想試驗

chain association of points - 鏈鎖配穴法


n.創傷性休克防止法 - anoci association

n.前後配穴法 - anterior-posterior point association

n.中國防癆協會 - antituberculosis association of china

n.鏈鎖配穴法 - chain association of points

n.中華醫學會 - chinese association

n.中華護理學會 - chinese nursing association

n.中國藥學會 - chinese pharmaceutical association

染色體聯合 - chromosome association

n.諧音聯想 - clang association

n.控制聯想 - controlled association

n.遠近配穴法 - distal-proximal point association

n.聯想障礙 - disturbance of association

n.表裡配穴法 - exterior-interiot point association

自由聯想 - free association

n.即時聯想 - immediate association

n.離子締合 - ion association

日醫 - Japan Association of Medical Practitioners

n.限制性聯想 - limited association

聯合鬆開 - loosening of association

醫學協會 - medical association

n.微生物結聯合 - microbial association

n.分子締合 - molecular association

藥劑師會 - Pharmacist Association

n.配穴法 - point association

n.妊娠相關糖蛋白 - pregnancy association glycoprotein

n.相配取穴 - principle of point association

n.相配取穴 - principoe of point association

n.音韻聯想 - rhyme association

伴隨關係,星狀連接 - satellite association

次級聯合 - secondary association

性週期聯合 - sexual cycle association

粘性聯繫 - sticky association

n.亞單位聯合因子 - subunit association factor

顳聯合區 - temporal association area

雙卵細性 - twin association

n.聯合腦性麻痺學會 - united cerebral palsy association

n.癲癇協會聯合會 - united epilepsy association

n.聯合造術協會 - united ostomy association inc

n.視覺連想,運動感覺及觸覺 - visual association

n.語詞聯想試驗 - word association test

n.世界病理學會聯合會 - world association of societies of pathology

n.世界醫學協會 - world medical association

n.世界精神病學協會 - world psychiatria association

n.陰陽配穴法 - yin-yang point association

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