





n. hunt ,hunting ,lookupv. explore ,look ,look for ,seek


search[sə:tʃ]vi. 搜尋;調查;探求vt. 搜索;搜尋;調查;搜查;探求n. 搜尋;探究,查究


Search 搜索;搜索,掃瞄;搜尋;檢索;search after 探索;尋找;找尋;尋覓;auto search 自動搜索;自動搜台;block search 分塊查找;分批試驗法;區段搜尋法;分批試驗;conjunctive search 按與檢索;共結查尋;邏輯乘檢索按與檢索;邏輯乘[法]檢索;


1.Finally, we recommend the query module of search engine. 最後,本文介紹了搜索引擎的查詢模塊。

2.Edit Menu - Find , enter Keyword and remove all value that find in search . 編輯菜單-查找,輸入關鍵字,並刪除所有值,發現在搜索。

3.For individual users, please provide the Attendee Name and Phone Number to search. 個人用戶請提供出席者姓名及電話號碼以作資料搜尋。


He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). - 欲尋珍珠,須潛水下。

I'm usually just using the search engines to look up information. - 我通常只是用搜索引擎找一些資料。

Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. - 一支用這種新機器裝備起來的探寶隊進入了這個巖洞,希望找到埋藏著的金子。

The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. - 事實上搜尋工作很困難,因為常常是早晨在甲地發現那只美洲獅,晚上卻在20英里外的乙地發現它的蹤跡。

While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature, she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days, - 她一方面總是批評人的本性朝三暮四,另一方面她又持之以恆地尋找一個理想的傭人。

Then, her composure regained, she was ready to set off with the porter's assistance to search for nay intruders who might still be lurking in her flat. - 此刻老婦人也鎮定了下來,準備在看門人的協助下搜尋可能仍躲藏在她房裡的竅賊。

They went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing, as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints. - 他倆搜遍這每一個房間,小心翼翼地不接觸任何東西,因為他們怕妨礙警察尋找指紋。

Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. - 用不了多久,有這種愛好的人便開始旅行,也許是去另一個城市參加會議,也可能是出國尋找一件珍品,因為收藏家是不分國籍的。

and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. - 尋找石油比其他任何採礦業對改進深孔鑽探作的貢獻都要大。

from the search for what his world contains at its inmost point. - 脫離了對自己靈魂最深處世界的探索。

So far, they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all. - 到那時為止,他們尋找金子一直碰不上好運,而且他們身上一點錢也沒有了。

OK, everyone. Less noise, please! Gather round and listen carefully. First we are going to search the beach and the rock pools. Let me remind you what we are looking for: seaweeds, fish, plants, all living things. When you find anything, make a note where - 00在這裡集合,游泳之後再吃午餐。別著急!我們有足夠的時間。


n. approach distance of search unit - 探頭接近距離

n. search unit cable - 探尋裝置電纜

n. search coil - 探查線圈

n. search unit cable - 探測器電纜

n. search unit cable - 探測裝置電纜

n. approach distance of search unit - 搜索裝置接近距離

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