ADn. 公元
ad 廣告;Active Directory;阿爾茨海默病;活動目錄;classified ad 分類廣告;ad lib 即興而作,隨口編;隨意,任意量;沒有限制地;即興撰造;ad craft 廣告業者;業者;Ad Request 廣告索閱;廣告查詢;廣告請求;
1.Some ad. mislead the public. 有些廣告誤導大眾。
2.Inherit And Innovate the Future of AD Photography. 繼承和創新開啟廣告攝影的未來。
3.It is said: the first Christmas in the year 138 AD by the Bishop of St. 據說:第一個聖誕節是在公元138年,由羅馬主教聖克裡門倡議舉行。
Her shopping had tired her and her basket ad grown heavier with every step of the way home. - 去商店買東西把她搞得筋疲力盡;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手裡的籃子又重了一點。
We aren't able to supply the third ad fifth items. - 第三及第五項目,我們沒有貨供應。
I'm afraid I can't agree with you. That's a good way of giving information, but it's not a good way of persuading people. For one thing, it's boring, and people aren't going to read an ad that looks boring. For another thing, one computer looks very like - 恐怕我不能同意你的意見。那是個通報信息的好辦法,但並非是使人信服的好辦法。一是它很乏味,人們是不會去讀一則看起來很乏味的廣告的。其次,計算機彼此都很相像。人們不會記住產品的名字的。
ad 2 vic; ad duas vices - 兩次
aditus ad antrum - 乳突竇入口
ad libupad libitum; adlibupadlibitum; up - 可以走動
ad libupad libitum; adlibupadlibitum; up - 可隨意起床
aditus ad aquaeductum cerebri; bartholins anus - 巴多林氏管口
bulbar branches rami ad medullam; oblongatum - 延髓支
ad conver-ter,adc; analog to digital converter - 摸擬-數字轉換器
ad conver-ter; adc; analog to digital converter - 摸擬數字轉換器
ad 2 vic - 連續兩次
aditus ad antrum - 鼓竇入口
n.鼓竇入口,乳突竇入口 - aditus ad antrum
n.巴多林氏管口 - aditus ad aquaeductum cerebri
B鏈AD - B Strepto AD
n.延髓支 - bulbar branches rami ad medullam
n.遠至,......到 - usque ad