cordillerasn. 科迪勒拉山系(縱貫南北美洲大陸西部,世界上最長的褶皺山系)
Cordilleras 安地斯山系;山脈;科迪勒拉山系;南美安地斯山系;Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 菲律賓科迪勒拉斯的稻米梯田;水稻梯田;菲律賓水稻梯田;
1.a species of grass which is found scattered all along the great ridge of the Cordilleras, from the equator to the southern limits of Patagonia. 就是一種草,分佈在從赤道一直到南美巴塔哥尼亞的安第斯山脈上。
2.The Mayas lived in the Cordilleras, a mountainous region of Central America, and in the tropical lowlands of Peten, now the territories of Guatemala and Honduras. (他們問這裡是什麼地方)瑪雅人居住在安第斯山,中美洲一個多山的地區。
3.Consequently the rise of the New Moon pulled the northern and western Pacific to form laced arc structures and used western America to form the Cordilleras (Rocky Mountains) and the Andes Mountains. 新月亮在飛昇時,把太平洋北面和西面拖曳成花彩般的弧形構造,並把美洲西部推覆成科迪勒拉(落磯山)山脈和安第斯山脈。