methodical[mi'θɔdikəl, me-]adj. 有系統的;有方法的
methodical 有方法的;有方法的,有系統的;有條理的;有系統的.做事有方法的;methodical doubt 方法的懷疑;desultorystrictly methodical 不連貫的系統的;methodical error 方法誤差;methodical errors of gyroscope 陀螺方法誤差;
1.LEO &VIRGO:Virgo's desire to be in command and methodical nature collide with your carefree, spontaneous temperament. 獅子-處女:講究方法的處女座與無憂無慮、服從天性的獅子座往往產生衝突。
2.Lose the overly methodical approach, don't expect folks to come in early or stay late for meetings, and focus on process and outcome. 丟掉有條不紊的態度,也不要期望人們開會的時候早到、晚退,將重點放在過程和結果上。
3.The methodical and disciplined approach to software testing that you'll learn in this book requires the same hard work and dedication that programming does. 正如您將在本書中學習到的軟件測試方法和訓練,它所需要的艱苦和奉獻精神絲毫不亞於編寫代碼。