paleokarst 古喀斯特;古喀斯特, 古巖溶;
1.The reservoir lithologies are shallow facies crystalline dolomites, dolomitic limestone, and paleokarst dolomite breccia. 儲層巖性為淺灘相的結晶白雲巖、白雲質灰巖與古巖溶角礫狀白雲巖。
2.The local gas accumulation in Permian reservoir is in the combination area of paleokarst, fault and favourable parts of structure. 二疊系氣藏天然氣局部富集與巖溶、斷裂及有利構造部位三者的組合密切相關。
3.The paper studies the geological structures of these five karst collapse belts. The Dongwu movement controlled the development of paleokarst. 文章對五個塌陷帶的地質構造進行了研究,早二疊世末期的東吳運動,在區內對古巖溶的控制十分明顯。