bauhausn. 鮑豪斯建築學派(德國建築之一派);鮑豪斯(德國人名)
BAUHAUS 包豪斯;包浩斯;鮑豪斯; 包浩斯;Staatliches Bauhaus 公立包豪斯學校;國立包豪斯學校;New Bauhaus 新包浩斯;新包豪斯;Bauhaus School 包豪斯學派;包浩斯學院;Bauhaus Museum 包豪斯博物館;
1.As with most art movements that begin with manifestos, the Bauhaus school had a Utopian element. 正如大部分的藝術運動都始於某些宣言一樣,包豪斯學派也有著烏托邦式的色彩。
2.Tel-Aviv, also called the "white city" (Bauhaus) is faced to the sea, i. e. to the west and wants to be part of Europe. 特拉維夫也叫做「白城」(包豪斯主義的白色建築),它面向著大海,朝著西方遙望著歐洲,希望成為歐洲的一部分。
3.In the age of airplane travel, people saw the future as this bright, shiny thing. This was the Bauhaus or Modernist style. 在飛機旅行的年代,人們視未來為這類明亮、閃耀的事物。這是包豪斯或者現代主義風格。