delaysn. 延遲;延期(delay的複數)v. 延誤(delay的單數第三人稱);推遲
delays 延遲;eliminating delays 消除遲誤;mill delays 軋機工作中的延誤和故障;Admission Delays 入境耽誤;GAME DELAYS 比賽延誤;
1.The driver delayed the drive until the weather cleared. 駕駛員延遲到天氣轉晴後才出車。
2.Now comes the first evidence that it delays the diseases of aging in primates, too -- rhesus monkeys living at the Wisconsin National Primate Center. 現在第一個證據,證明它延誤了疾病的老齡化在靈長類動物,也-獼猴生活在威斯康星州國家靈長類中心。
3.Please state the following information when ordering a valve in order to avoid unnecessary delays and to insure we supply you with the valve you have requested. 訂購進口電動球閥時,請提供下列數據,避免不必要的反覆和延誤,確保所購買的閥門確實是自己所需要的閥門。