apfabbr. 動物蛋白因子(animal protein factor);精確測位雷達(Accurate Position Finder);紙張精軋機協會(Association of Paper Finishers)
APF 有源電力濾波器;有源濾波器;抗核周因子;抗核周因子抗體;APF Evasion 法國殘疾人協會;APF AuthorizedProgramFacility 核准的程序設備;APF ELISA 抗核周因子;Animal Protein Factor APF 並含有促進動物生長的動物性蛋白因子;
1.A three-phase three-wire series hybrid active power filter(APF) based on one-cycle controller is introduced. 介紹了一種基於單周控制的三相三線串聯混合型有源電力濾波器。
2.Therefore, it is demonstrated that the shunt or series APF should be used for compensating the current or the voltage harmonic source. 從而說明對電流型或電壓型諧波源進行諧波補償,應該分別使用並聯型或串聯型APF。
3.Because APF is a complicated control system with two closed-loop, higher performance is required for the design of the control circuit. 有源濾波器是一種複雜的多閉環反饋控制系統,這對控制電路的設計提出了較高的要求。