





n. bill ,notification ,observance ,observationv. acknowledge ,comment ,detect ,mark


v. ignore


notice['nəutis]n. 通知,佈告;注意;公告vt. 通知;注意到;留心vi. 引起注意


notice 注意;感覺;通知;佈告,通知;public notice 公告;公共啟事;公告費;社區公告;arrival notice 到達 通知;抵埠通知;到貨(抵港;到貨通知/到港通知;overdue notice 催還通知;催還書通知;resumption notice 收地通告;收樓通告;收樓告示;收地通知;


1.Did you notice what was his all in all? 你注意到他最關心什麼了嗎?

2.Do you notice? Do you know? 你注意到了嗎?你知道嗎?

3.Project notice board? 工程告示牌?


How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back? - 想把定金拿回來,要提前多長時間通知你才行?

I did not notice it until yesterday. - 我一直到昨天才注意到它。

Don't take any notice of what he says-he's pulling your leg. - 別理睬他,他在跟你開玩笑。

I didn't notice you were wearing your new hat. - 我沒注意你戴了新帽子。

It's impossible. You may notice that the cost of raw materials has gone up in recent years. - 不可能,您可能注意到了近年來原材料的價格上漲了。

To notice the table - 注意到桌子

There was a notice in the supermarket. - 超市裡有一個佈告。

They notice more. - 他們觀察到的東西更多。

'And you didn't notice anything unusual?' - 「您沒有注意到有什麼異常情況發生嗎?」

One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. - 一個竊賊被一尊很重的雕像擊中,但由於他忙著搶鑽石首飾,竟連疼痛都顧不上了。

Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. - 即使是對藝術不感興趣的人也不會注意到在公共場所展示的現代藝術品。

The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: - 走進展廳首先看到的是一張告示,上面寫著

Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green, an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick, grayish substance. - 儘管那只瓶子呈淡綠色,但細心的客人很快就會發現瓶裡裝的是一種看上去黏稠,顏色發灰的東西。

Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk, near where she lives, - 維拉的特異功能引起了她家附近烏裡揚諾夫斯克城一個科研單位的注意。

You'll notice that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada. - 你就會注意到那裡的人的說法和加拿大其他地方的人的說法不一樣。

Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it's firm. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying Keep off. Another thing, we' ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires. - 是的,因此在地板牢固前,我們必須防止人們從地板上行走。可能還需要豎一個佈告牌,寫上「不得踐踏」。還有,我們必須在牆上鑽一個電線孔。

From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. - 我經常看到,他在快要離廠前把一塊肉藏在褲子裡。


訃告,死者傳略 - obituary notice


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