





a. unsold


sold[səuld]v. 賣,銷售(sell的過去式和過去分詞)


Sold 售完;全部地;出售;出售,銷售;sold on 熱衷於;Sold Price (最後售價):;sold myself 犧牲個人安逸;自我宣傳;sold yourselves 自我宣傳;犧牲個人安逸;


1.The company sold steel structure! 本公司出售鋼結構!

2.So Bill sold he billboard to pay his board bill. 所以比爾賣掉了廣告牌以支付伙食賬單。

3.The farmer sold the vegetables at the half price rather than allow them to rot. 這個農夫情願以半價出售這些蔬菜,也不願意聽任它們爛掉。


All window seats are sold out. - 所有靠窗口的位子都賣光了。

No. I sold the house and the furniture,put a few personal things in an old trunk, - 不。我把房子和家俱都賣了,剩下一些東西放進一個舊衣箱,

But I just sold it and retired. - 我前不久把它賣了 然後退休。

but she sold us our first house and this one. - 我們的第一棟房子和這一棟都是她賣的。

I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. - 十七年前我把那棟房子賣給你父親的。

I sold it to the present owners. - 是我把它賣給了現在的主人。

Off-season clothes are usually sold at very attractive prices. - 換季衣服的售價通常挺吸引人。

You haven't sold your product in our country so far, have you? - 到目前為止,你們的產品尚未在我們國家銷售,是嗎?

We've only sold our product at trade fairs, not in an on-going sales campaign. - 我們的產品只在商展時展售,而沒有辦促銷活動。

The eggs are sold by the dozen. - 雞蛋按打賣。

The book you ask for is sold out. - 你要的那本書已經售完了。

Has Ian sold his house yet? - 伊恩已指他的房子賣掉了嗎?

Yes, he has.He sold it last week. - 是的,賣掉了。他上星期賣掉的。

'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said. - 「對不起,票已售完。」那位姑娘說。

He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. - 還沒等安頓下來就賣掉了房子,離開了這個國家。

An electric razor that meets the European Union's safety standards must be approved by American testers before it can be sold in the United States, - 一把符合歐洲聯盟安全標準的電動剃鬚刀必須得到美國檢測人員的認可,方可在美國市場上銷售;

When I got to the theatre I found that they had sold all the tickets. - 我到劇院時,發現所有的票都售完了。

I'm afraid I don't have it any more. I sold it last week. - 我恐怕是沒有了,上星期我把它賣掉了。

That may be true, but you sold me a blouse that I can't use any more. - 也許真是這樣,但這是你賣給我的,現在不能穿了啊。

On his arrival he was sold to a farmer and worked in the fields. - 一到美國,他就被賣給了一個農場主,到地裡幹活。

New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world. - 新西蘭的葡萄酒質量很高,銷往世界各地。

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