garrotte hanging strangle 絞殺;Strangle 寬跨式;不同執行價格的跨式期權;策略;勒式交易;Long strangle 買入不同履約價格的跨式部位;勒式交易;頭寬跨式套利;Short strangle 賣出不同履約價格的跨式部位;式策略;寬跨式套利;勒束式期權組合;sell Strangle 賣出寬跨式組合;賣出勒式;
1.Suddenly felling oneself resemble an executioner, watch over to strangle outside that dream of! 忽然感覺自己就像一個劊子手,把風扼殺在那夢的外面!
2.Whether can access brand be versed in era sheet sends its home additionally in order to strangle Fuji health? 通路品牌是否會將代工單另投它家以扼殺富士康?
3.He give a strangle cry and fall to the floor. 他發出一聲受''。'扼'。''的叫喊,隨即倒在地板上。
4.A short parting can improve love, while a long one can strangle it. 短暫的離別會促進愛情,長久的分離卻回將他扼殺。
5."They sneak up on the birds, grab them and then strangle them with their hands and feet, " Knight says. "This is totally new stuff. 「他們偷偷靠近小鳥,抓住小鳥,然後連手帶腳地扼死獵物,」奈特說,「這完全是新的課題。