thundering['θʌndəriŋ]adj. 如雷鳴的;非常的;異乎尋常的adv. 非常,異常n. 打雷v. 打雷;發出雷鳴般聲響;大聲吼叫(thunder的ing形式)
thundering 雷鳴的;雷鳴;雷聲;打雷的;thundering shower 雷陣雨;Thundering Strikes 雷鳴猛擊;Thundering Giant 雷動巨人;The Thundering Sword 神劍震江湖;
1."To gain time! " cried the prisoner in a thundering voice. 「爭取時間!」被綁人以洪亮的嗓子大聲回答。
2.Millions upon millions poured in, and still the mighty stream flowed thundering along, still its vast volume increased. 千百萬的金錢流了進來,強大的財源仍然洶湧澎湃,巨大的流量還在不斷增漲。
3.With a roar and thundering sound, the rocket left a trail of fire as it reachedsintosthe blue sky. Onlookers applauded when the rocket finally reached orbit. 隨著一聲雷鳴般的巨響,火箭拖著一道火焰軌跡衝向藍天。當火箭駛入軌道時,旁觀者都拍手喝彩。
Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbors, vehicles of al kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in - 夏天嗚嗚作響的割草機,公寓樓裡深夜聚會的喧嘩聲,大聲吵鬧的鄰居,各式各樣的車輛,特別是穿越寂靜的村莊的集裝箱卡車,從頭頂飛過的飛機和直升機,被帶到公共場所、音量開到最大的大功率收音機。