





v. cover ,foil ,intersect ,spann. crisscross ,crossbreed ,crossbreeding ,crown of thornsa. crabbed ,crabby ,thwartwise ,transversal


v. uncross


cross[krɔ:s]n. 交叉,十字;十字架,十字形物vi. 交叉;雜交;橫過vt. 雜交;渡過;使相交adj. 交叉的,相反的;乖戾的


Cross 十字形;十字接頭;大小端接觸;相交;cross pass 橫傳;橫傳球;交叉傳球;斜傳球;cross crank 橫向曲軸;cross rate 交叉匯率;套價;套匯匯率;套價||套匯匯率||裁定外匯行情;Maltese cross 馬耳他十字;馬取他交叉型;槽輪機構;馬爾特十字花槽盤;


1.The old man crossed himself as he entered the church. 老人進入教堂時用手在胸前畫十字。

2.The river is dangerous to cross. 要渡過那條河是危險的。

3.Be careful when you cross the road. 當你橫穿馬路時一定要小心。


Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge. - 沿著路開下去 ,你會經過一座藍色的橋。

Don't cross that bridge till you come to it. - 沒到河邊,先別操心怎麼過橋。

The Red Cross supervised the distribution of food and clothing to the flood victims. - 紅十字會堅督分配食物和衣物給水災受害者。

It takes a bit of nerve to cross these chain bridges. - 過這種鐵鎖橋需要有點膽量才行。

We are scheming to secretly cross the enemy territory. - 我們在秘密商定穿越敵占區的計劃。

A pet lamb makes a cross ram. - 寵壞的小羊將成為脾氣壞的大羊。

Don't cross the bridge till you get to it. - 不要杞人憂天。

Dot the i's and cross the t's. - 一點一劃,循規蹈矩。

Let's cross the bridge when we come to it. - 既來之,則安之。

If you make a mistake on the form, just cross it out. - 如果填表出了錯,劃掉即可。

Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot. - 儘管修通了隧道,但仍有一些人想冒險徒步跨越聖伯納德山口。

During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. - 夏天的幾個月裡,修道院十分忙碌,因為有成千上萬的人駕車通過山口,順道來修道院參觀。

The temperature drops to -- 30 o and very few people attempt to cross the Pass. - 氣溫下降到零下30度,試圖跨越山口的人寥寥無幾。

The tape was so stick that they did not dare to cross it. - 膠帶極粘,螞蟻不敢從上面爬過。


red cross society of china - 中國紅十字會

cross talk - 串光

cross talk discriminator - 串光別器

n. cross beam type rolling mill - 主橫樑式軋機

cross feeding; crossfeeding; syntrophy - 互養

cross correlation - 互相關

corss linkage; cross linking; crosslinking - 交共聯鍵

cross agglutination - 交叉互凝集反應

cross infection - 交叉傳感染

cross protectoin; crossprotectoin - 交叉保護作用

cross overvalue; cross-over value; crossovervalue - 交叉值

cross immunity; cross immunty - 交叉免疫

cross conjugation - 交叉共軛

cross stimulation - 交叉再刺激

cross reacting; cross reaction; crossreacting - 交叉反應

cross reacting antibody - 交叉反應性抗體

cross reacting antigen - 交叉反應抗原

cross reacting material - 交叉反應物質

cross hearing - 交叉聽覺力

cross adaptation; crossadaptation - 交叉吸收

cross absorption test - 交叉吸收試驗

cross reactivation - 交叉復活

cross storage - 交叉存儲

cross circulation - 交叉循環

cross contamination; crosscontamination - 交叉感染

cross reacting antibody - 交叉抗體

cross resistance; crossresistance - 交叉抗藥性

cross resistant - 交叉抗藥性的

cross fire; crossfire - 交叉放射

cross conformation - 交叉構象

cross comparison; crosscomparison - 交叉比較

cross contamination; crosscontamination - 交叉污染

cross combination; crosscombination - 交叉組合

cross tolerance - 交叉耐藥性

cross link; cross linking; crosslinking - 交叉聯結

cross training; crosstraining - 交叉訓練

cross matching; crossmatching - 交叉試驗法

cross infusion - 交叉輸注

cross anaphylaxis; cross sensitization; crosssensitization - 交叉過敏性

cross adaptation; crossadaptation - 交叉適應

cross match - 交叉配合

cross matching; crossmatching; matching cross matching - 交叉配血

cross linkage - 交叉鍵

cross over; crossing over; crossover; exchange - 交換

cross overvalue; cross-over value; crossovervalue - 交換值

n. cross slip - 交滑移

cross link; crosslink - 交聯

cross linkage; xross linking - 交聯作用

cross linking agent; cross linkingagents; cross-linking agents; crosslinkingagents - 交聯劑

degree of cross linking - 交聯度


吸收截面 - absorption cross section

n.活化截面 - activation cross section

n.反交,回交 - back cross

育種反交法 - back cross method of breeding

平衡斷面 - balanced cross section

普爾光面呢 - Blue Cross

斷面捕獲,捕捉斷面 - capture cross section

驗證雜交 - check cross

持續反交,連續背交叉 - continuous back cross

n.交聯度 - degree of cross linking

微分截面積 - differential cross section

交配 - diallel cross

成雙輪配雜交,雙列雜交 - diallele cross

n.雙交,雙雜交 - double cross

n.有效截面 - effective cross ection

n.食品交叉污染 - food cross contamination

屬間雜交 - genus cross

失活交叉部分 - inactivation cross section

系統間交叉,種間交雜 - inbred-variety cross

種間雜交 - interspecific cross

n.電離截面檢測器 - ionization cross section detector

n.淋巴毒交叉試驗 - lymphotoxin cross test

n.大電離截面檢測器 - macro ionization cross section detector

n.交叉配血 - matching cross matching

n.微截面檢測器 - micro cross section detector

顯微橫斷面 - microscopic cross section

嗎啡雜交 - morphine cross

多系雜交 - multiple cross

n.非特異性交叉抗原 - nonspecific cross antigen

生理學橫截面 - physiological cross section

n.偏振交叉 - polarization cross

正反交,互交 - reciprocal cross

n.紅十字 - red cross

紅十字旗 - Red Cross flag

n.紅十字衛生站 - red cross health unit

n.紅十字醫院 - red cross hospital

紅十字護士 - Red Cross nurse

n.中國紅十字會 - red cross society of china

紅十字事業 - Red Cross work

紅十字救護班 - Relief Corps of the Red Cross Soc.

單交叉 - single cross

種間雜交 - species cross

種系交叉,同品種系統間雜交種 - strain cross

n.測交 - test cross

三系雜交,三交 - three way cross

三點交叉 - threepoint cross

品種間雜交,頂交 - top cross

總橫截面 - total cross section

n.總電離載面 - total ionization cross section

三重雜交 - triple cross

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