





Missn. 小姐,女士;年輕未婚女子


Miss 小姐;失誤;想念;擊球未中;Miss Saigon 西貢小姐;西貢小姐;西貢小姐》;Miss Universe 環球小姐;宇宙小姐;環球小姐;世界小姐;miss sixty 意大利;年代;六十年代;年代小姐;Miss USA 美國小姐;美國小;美國妙齡小姐;美國小姐;


1.He missed her in the crowd. 他沒有在人群中看到她。

2.That was a bad miss. 那是一個嚴重的失誤。

3.Students might miss their friends who go on directly to college. 有些學生會失去那些直接進入大學的朋友。


Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please? - 喂。我可以請李小姐接電話嗎?

Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn't recognize your voice. - 噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。

May I speak to Miss Chen? - 可以跟陳小姐講話嗎?

Is Miss Zhang in? - 張小姐在嗎?

May I speak to Miss Wang? - 我可以和王小姐講話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Tan, please? - 可以請譚小姐聽電話嗎?

May I speak to Miss Hu, please? - 可以請胡小姐聽電話嗎?

Hello, Miss Huang. How are you? - 喂,黃小姐,你好嗎?

Hello, Miss Wang. I'm fine, and you? - 喂,王小姐,我很好,你呢?

Well, Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together. - 嗯,黃小姐,我們打算大家小聚一番。

I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu. - 我想跟徐小姐約個會面的時間。

Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Xu's schedule. - 好,湯姆先生。讓我查查徐小姐的日程表。

I'd like to meet Miss Kong sometime. - 我想找個時間跟孔小姐見面。

Yes, Miss Susan, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight. - 您好,蘇珊小姐,我們已為您定好了今晚一間豪華房間。

Well Tom, I hope you have a good time in America. I'll miss you. - 就這樣了,湯姆。我希望你在美國玩得很愉快。我會想你的。

I'll miss you too. You mean a lot to me. - 我也會想你的。你在我心中的地位是很重要的。

Mary, we're going to miss you. - 瑪麗,我們會很想你的。

I'll miss you too. - 我也會想你們。

Good afrernoon, Miss Wang. Please sit down. - 下午好。王小姐,請坐。

I miss my family very much. - 我很想念我的家人。

Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! - 嗨! Stewart小姐! 歡迎你!

Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. - Stewart小姐的任何朋友在Somsak餐廳都是受歡迎的。

Won't he miss being in Florida? - 他不會想念佛羅里達嗎?

I miss her very much. - 我非常想她。

I miss them. - 我想念他們.

I miss them very much. - 我非常想他們。

I cried because I miss them all. - 我哭因為我想念他們。

You really miss your family, don't you? - 你非常惦念你的家人是嗎?

She must really miss them. - 她準是很想主人。

I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday. - 就會錯過星期六我的生日派對。

I know you miss your mother. - 我知道你想念你媽媽。

I miss seeing you. - 我很想見到你 。

But ... I'll miss him. - 但是……我會想他的。

Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart. - 是的, Kim小姐, 是Ellen Stewart。

I'm going to miss her - 我會想念她

We'll all miss her. - 我們都會想念她的。

You know we'd all miss you. - 你知道我們都會思念 。

I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. - 即使我真的病了,也不想錯過一天。

I'd miss them a lot, - 我會非常想念他們的,

but I know what it feels like to miss someone. - 但我知道想念一個人是什麼樣的滋味。

I miss Max and think about him all week long. - 我想念Max, 一整個星期都在想他。

I'm going to miss all of you. - 我會想念你們大家的。

We're going to miss you. - 我們也會想念你的。

You are going to miss her. - 你會想念她的。

Am I going to miss her? - 我會想念她嗎?

You are going to miss her! - 你會想念她的!

I'm going to miss her, - 我會想念她,

and my math teacher's going to miss her. - 而我的數學老師也會想念她。

You'll need to hurry up, or you'll miss the train. - 你得快點,否則趕不上火車。

My little boy is having a school play tonight, I don't want to miss it. - 我的小兒子今晚會參加學校的戲劇表演,我不想錯過了。


n. miss shift of die - 模具誤移位

n. miss roll - 誤滾軋

n. miss feed - 誤進給

n. miss roll - 錯軋


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