panto-['pæntəu]pref. 全;每
panto- 表示「全;全部;泛、全;
1.Were you serious about that? -Did I say I wanted to ado a panto? -I read it in the newspapers, so it absolutely has to be true! 你是認真的嗎?-我說過我要演啞劇嗎?-我在報紙上讀到的,所以絕對是真的!
2.The main materials of machine tool are carried on life cycle assessment applying the panto-environment functions and the assessment model of metallic materials. 應用泛環境函數和金屬材料環境負荷評價模型對機床的主要材料進行生命週期評價。
3.The proposing of pan-brain network theory in modern neurobiology has methodological significance for the study of brain and heart. Mind network found the origin of panto-brain network. 現代神經生物學泛腦網絡學說的提出對腦與神的研究具有重要的方法論意義,心思網絡找到了泛腦網絡的本源。