exquisitenessn. 強烈);優美(靈敏;強列
exquisiteness 優美;精緻;The Sword and the Exquisiteness 名劍風流;
1.The exquisiteness and liveliness in Mr. Zhang Fengming's paintings set him apart from others. 張鳳鳴老師的作品細緻,生動,明顯與其他人的作品有別。
2.A Poiret coat from 1919 demonstrates the exquisiteness of many of his designs, incorporating black silk and wool weave with white kid cutwork applique and white broad tail trim. 這件誕生於1919年的黑色羊毛大衣是波烈眾多高貴優雅之作的代表。波烈用白色羊毛立領和鏤空絲綢花邊為大衣錦上添花。
3.We don't miss it because its exquisiteness is without compare. But vice versa, its exquisiteness is without compare because it has been lost forever and can only be recalled in memory. 不是因為它美好無匹所以我們眷念不已,而是倒過來,是因為他永恆失落了,我們只能用懷念召喚它,所以它才成為美好無匹。