homesn. 家庭(home的複數形式);房屋
Homes 住家;節能住宅;香米;江山如此多嬌;Hillside Homes 山邊新村;豪園;BOO HOMES 三隻小豬;Thomas Homes 精神科醫生荷馬;Shea Homes 酪脂木住屋公司;
1.It's time for you to home now, it's too late. 天太晚了,你該回家了。
2.And some of their homes smell. 有些家裡面的味道很大。
3.From homes to offices. 從住家到辦公室。
about finding homes for the animals? - 為動物尋個家。
I have a book with photos of some homes in that area. - 我有一本那個地區房子的照片。
Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. - 有100多人肯定是被噪音逼得已經棄家遠去,
Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America. - 從那時起,這座偉大的紀念碑對通過紐約港進入美國定居的千百萬人來說就一直是自由的象徵。
This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. - 這個節日是個歡樂的日子,因為在這一天,據說死去的人要回到他們的家裡來,活著的人則對他們表示歡迎。
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. - 週末,當成千上萬進城上班的人回到他們的鄉間寓所之後,空曠的街市籠罩著一種寧靜氣氛,沒有什麼能比此時的寧靜更令人難忘了。
Who could have imagined, in the mid 1970s, for example, that by the end of the 20th century, computers would be as common in people's homes as TV sets? - 舉個例子吧,在20世紀70年代中葉又有誰能想得到在20世紀末的時候,家庭用的計算機會像電視機一樣普遍?
Nor could he have foreseen how we could use the Internet to obtain information on every known subject, so we can read it on a screen in our homes and even print it as well if we want to. - 他也無法預測到我們可以利用國際交互網獲取有關任何已知專題的信息,以便在家裡的屏幕上閱讀,如果願意的話甚至可以將其打印出來。
Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, - 當家長聽到孩子讚揚自己朋友的家時,總感到不安,認為這是孩子在嫌棄自家的飯菜、衛生、或傢俱,