No expression - no expression 毫無表情,毫無表情;abusive expression 惡語;罵人的話;abusive expression 惡語;罵人的話;Algebraic Expression 代數表示;代數(表達)式;代數表達式,代數式;代數式 代數式 代數式;allows facial expression 移動四肢,支持面部表情;
1.In the COBOL system, the information represented by a data item, arithmetic expression, or conditional expression. 在COBOL系統中,由一個數據項、算術表達式或條件表達式表示的信息。
2.The algorithm bas been realized by computer programming, and for any input regular expression, a simplified DFA equivalent to the regular expression is produced. 這個算法在計算機上已實現,並且對輸入的任意正則表達式,都可以輸出等價於正則表達式的簡化DFA。
3.If the expression represents a class or structure, retrieve a list of member variables, as expression objects. 如果表達式表示類或結構,則將作為表達式對像來檢索成員變量列表。
4.If the body of L is an expression, the type of that expression is the inferred return type of L. 如果L的主體是一個表達式,那麼表達式的類型是從L的返回類型所推斷的。
5.In addition, when translating participial expression, the use of idiomatic expression of English may allow the sentence to flow more smoothly. 翻譯分詞用語時,若能取用英文片語,句子將更為流暢。第一個英譯句無誤,第二個英譯句亦正確。