1.After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch. 我們與堂兄弟多年不和, 最後我們送給他們一張聖誕卡, 算是化干戈為玉帛。
2.After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch. 我們與堂兄弟多年不和,最後我們送給他們一張聖誕卡,算是化干戈為玉帛。
3.The rest of his letter is only about his dear Charlotte's situation, and his expectation of a young olive-branch. 下面寫的都是關於他親愛的夏綠蒂的一些情形,他們快要生小孩了。