Luddismn. 勞工運動(等於Luddite)
Luddism 德主義;破壞機械運動;Luddism labor movement 勞工運動;
1.This is the difference of the movement of Luddism and the traditional rebellions of Chinese peasants. 為權利而鬥爭,這是盧德運動與中國傳統農民起義最根本的差異所在。
2.Destroying machines is the protesting method in Luddism. What Luddists want in destroying machines is not for their livelihood but for defending their rights. 盧德運動中工人的抗議方式是砸毀機器,盧德派砸毀機器不只是為了生計,同等重要的是維護他們的傳統權利。
3.Visitors can easily navigate from an introduction to Luddism to an exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands and then to a virtual Bengali religious festival. 參觀者可以看到一個攤位有關反科技潮流的介紹,然後輕易轉到一場加拉帕戈斯群島野生生物的展覽,再去參觀虛擬的孟加拉宗教慶典。