partiesn. 當事人;黨派;聚會;政黨機關;同行者(party的複數)
Parties 聚會;聯誼活動;聚會派對;當事人;parties involved 交換中的各方;當事人;Announcing parties 晚會通知;蓖砘嵬ㄖ?;Immediate parties 有直接關係的各方;both parties 雙方當事人;雙方;合同雙方;
1.The visiting professor was cocktailed,partied and dined. 為來訪的教授舉行了雞尾酒會、晚會和晚宴。
2.Clusters of smaller parties could hold the balance. 成群的小政黨倒是能夠維持平衡。
3.Once a marine tort case happens, what the law faces is how to share the loss among the parties. 一旦發生海上侵權事故,法律所面臨的是如何在當事人之間進行損失的分擔。
Are there any parties going on tonight? - 今晚有聚會嗎?
Surprise parties don't always work out. - 驚喜派對不是每次都成功的。
The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. - 就合同保方的權利和義務方面的談判非常成功。
The two parties involved in a contract have the obligation to execute the contract. - 合同雙方有義務履行合同。
The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. - 冬天常來修道院參觀的只有一批批滑雪者。他們在聖誕節或復活節到那兒去。
Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbors, vehicles of al kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in - 夏天嗚嗚作響的割草機,公寓樓裡深夜聚會的喧嘩聲,大聲吵鬧的鄰居,各式各樣的車輛,特別是穿越寂靜的村莊的集裝箱卡車,從頭頂飛過的飛機和直升機,被帶到公共場所、音量開到最大的大功率收音機。
A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. - 議會內有一個代表各政黨利益的委員會,由它委派一位稱職的人選專門調查個人對國家的意見。
We have special river birthday parties in the summer. - 夏天,我們為這條河舉辦特殊的生日宴會。
The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful. - 就合同保方的權利和義務方面的談判非常成功。
There're usually a lot of parties on New Year's Eve. - 除夕之夜有很多晚會。