




v. add ,add together ,add up ,comen. aggregate ,amount ,sum ,totalitya. absolute ,entire ,full ,overall


TOTAL['təutəl]adj. 全部的;完全的;整個的vt. 總數達vi. 合計n. 總數,合計


total 總數,總額;道達爾;合計;道達爾公司;total price 總價;總價,總值;總價格;檢測總費用;Total Recall 宇宙威龍;魔鬼總動員;全面回憶;機器戰警;total acid 總酸;total head 總壓頭;總水頭;總落差;總能頭;


1.He told me to total those numbers. 他讓我把那些數字加起來。

2.Figures in brackets represent the percentages to total. 括號內數字代表佔總計的百分比。

3.The total was now $500—plenty for a Christmas for three. 現在的總數是500元——足夠一家三口過聖誕節了。


for a total of sixteen points. - 她一共得十六分。

We'll have to discuss about the total contract price. - 我們不得不討論一下合同的總價格問題。

How much does packing take up of the total cost of the goods? - 包裝占貨物總成本的百分比是多少?

What is the total circulation of this journal. - 這份報刊總發行量多少?

What is the total circulation of this newsletter. - 這份新聞通訊總發行量多少?

What is the total circulation of this newspaper. - 這家報紙總發行量多少?

What is the total circulation of this publication. - 這家刊物總發行量多少?

What is the total circulation of this weekly magazine. - 這家週刊總發行量多少?

It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. - 佩奇先生退休的前一天正好是他執教滿40年的日子,這真是奇妙的巧合。

the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs. - 鑽井平台周圍根本沒有捕魚船隻。

It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. - 據估計,若橋上擺滿了汽車,也只不過是橋的總承載力的1/3。

It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country. - 據估計,在英國蜘蛛一年裡所消滅昆蟲的重量超過這個國家人口的總重量。

there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less. - 但沒有跡象表明,其活動總量有任何減少。

is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family. - 就好像他本國語言的總詞彙量和自己咿呀學語時他家庭所接納的他的詞彙量之比。

or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels. - 總費用算起來要比住旅館開支少得多。

We'll have to discuss about the total contract price. - 我們不得不討論一下合同的總價格問題。


total maxillectomy - 上頜骨全切除術

total dairy ration; totaldairyration - 乳品全量

total carbon dioxide capactiy - 二氧化碳總量

total body fluid volume - 體內總水量

total systemic vascular resistance - 體循環血管總阻力

total joint replacement - 全關節置換術

n. percent of total reduction - 全減少率

total resection - 全切除

total pressure - 全壓

total reflection - 全反射

n. total reflectivity - 全反射性

n. total reflectivity - 全反射率

angle of total reflection - 全反射角

total response index - 全反應指數

total laryngectomy - 全喉切除術

panhysterectomy; total hysterectomy - 全子宮切除術

total fluxmeter; total-radiation fluxmeter - 全幅射通量計

n. total strain range - 全應變範圍

differential total; total differential - 全微分

n. total cyanide - 全氰化物

anodontia totalis; total anodontia - 全牙列缺失

total thyroidectomy - 全甲狀腺切除

total pelvic cleaning - 全盆腔清除術

total pelvic exenteration - 全盆腔臟器除去術

ablepsia totalis; total blindness - 全盲

n. total case depth - 全硬化深度

n. total carbon - 全碳

n. total magnetic flux - 全磁通

total nodal irradiation - 全結節照射

n. percent of total reduction - 全縮小率

total hydroxyproline - 全羥脯氨酸

total pneumonectomy - 全肺切除術

total lung capacity - 全肺氣量

total gastrectomy - 全胃切除術

n. total decarburized depth - 全脫碳深度

total parotidectomy - 全腮腺切除

total knee joint replacement - 全膝關節置換術

achromatopsia; monochromatism; total color blindness - 全色盲

total iridectomy - 全虹膜切除術

total protein tuberculin - 全蛋白結核菌素

total blood volume - 全血量

determination of total blood iron - 全血鐵測定

total corneal transplantation - 全角膜移植

general reaction; total response; totalresponse - 全身反應

total body scan - 全身掃瞄

total body nitrogen - 全身氮總量

total body water - 全身水含量

total body wash out - 全身灌注換血法

full-body exposure; total body irradiation; totalbodyirradiation; whole body esposure; whole body irradiation - 全身照射

total body irradiation; totalbodyirradiation - 全身照射法


n.經腹子宮次全切除術 - abdominal total hysterectomy

n.全反射角 - angle of total reflection

n.總膽紅素 - bilirubin total

n.死亡率 - deaths total ratio

n.全血鐵測定 - determination of total blood iron

n.全微分 - differential total

高劑量全身照射 - high dose total lody irradiation

全色弱 - incomplete total color blindness

n.間歇性全血尿 - intermittent total hematuria

神經全剝離手術 - nerve total peeling operation

n.血清總膽紅素 - serum total bilirubin

n.血清總膽紅素測定 - serum total bilirubin determination

n.血清總膽固醇 - serum total cholesterol

n.血清總膽固醇測定 - serum total cholesterol determination

n.血清總脂測定 - serum total lipid determination

n.血清總脂質 - serum total lipoid

n.血清總蛋白 - serum total protein

n.立體有擇全合成 - stereoselective total synthesis

n.暫時性完全勞動能力喪失 - temporary total disability

n.經陰道全子宮切除術 - vaginal total hysterectomy

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