n. disgorgement ,emesis ,puking ,regurgitation
vomitingv. 嘔吐(vomit的ing形式)
Vomiting 嘔吐;嘔吐;釋義:嘔吐;作嘔;vomiting center 嘔吐中樞;釋義:嘔吐中樞;cerebral vomiting 腦性嘔吐;腦性嘔吐,中樞性嘔吐;釋義:腦性嘔吐;stercoraceous vomiting 嘔糞症;吐糞;糞便性嘔吐;釋義:吐糞,糞便性嘔吐;periodic vomiting 週期性嘔吐;釋義:週期性嘔吐;
1.He vomited all the food he had eaten. 他把他吃的食物全都嘔吐出來了。
2.It causes vomiting and diarrhea. 它引起嘔吐和腹瀉。
3.How should cheeper vomiting diarrhoea do? 幼兒嘔吐腹瀉該怎麼辦?
vomiting and diarrhea - 上吐下瀉
postcibal vomiting; vomiting immediately after ingestion; vomiting immediatrly after ingestion - 上膈
arresting vomiting by using stomachics - 健胃止嘔
cholropicrin vomiting gas - 催吐毒氣
vomiting of milk - 吐乳
vomiting of ascaris - 吐劑
vomiting of watery fluid; vomiting of watery fluie - 吐清水
vomiting of ascarids; vomiting of axcaris - 吐蛔
vomiting center - 嘔吐中樞
vomiting reflex - 嘔吐反射
vomiting sickness - 嘔吐病
bilious vomiting; vomiting of billious fluid - 嘔苦
vomiting and regurgitation - 嘔逆反胃
belching and vomiting of sour fluid - 噯氣吐酸
morbid noturnal crying and vomiting of baby - 夜啼嘔吐
vomiting of pregnancy; vomitus gravidarum - 妊娠嘔吐
vomiting due to pathogenic cold - 寒嘔吐
vomiting and diarrhea due to cold - 寒霍亂
vomiting and diarrhra in childern - 小兒吐瀉
vomiting in children duetocold - 小兒寒吐
vomiting in children induced by frightening - 小兒驚吐
vomiting in children due to heat - 小兒熱吐
phlegm-wetness vomiting in children - 小兒痰濕吐
parasite vomiting in children - 小兒蟲吐
vomiting in infancy caused by fright - 驚吐
vomiting due to fright - 驚呈
drinking wrateer causes vomiting immediately - 水入即吐
vomiting of watery fluid - 泛吐清水
vomiting phlegmatic saliva - 湧吐痰涎
ausing vomiting endopathi wind-phlem - 湧吐風痰
vomiting due to heat - 熱嘔
hiccup due to the accumulation of phlegm; vomiting due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰嘔
vomiting due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰積嘔吐
vomiting due to retention of phlegm - 痰飲嘔吐
vomiting assocated with menstruation; vomiting associated with menstruation - 經來嘔吐
cough with vomiting of bile - 膽咳
vomiting of deficiency type - 虛嘔
vomiting caused by intestinal parasitosis - 蟲吐
vomiting caused by anuresis and constipation - 走哺
dietitian; vomiting right after eating - 食醫
vomiting due to improper diet - 食嘔
vomiting due to dyspepsia - 食積嘔吐
丙酮性嘔吐,丙酮血性嘔吐 - acetonemic vomiting
血性嘔吐症 - acetonic vomiting
n.健胃止嘔 - arresting vomiting by using stomachics
n.湧吐風痰 - ausing vomiting endopathi wind-phlem
n.噯氣吐酸 - belching and vomiting of sour fluid
n.嘔苦 - bilious vomiting
n.湧吐 - causing vomiting
n.腦性嘔吐 - cerbral vomiting
n.中樞性嘔吐 - cerebral vomiting
n.催吐毒氣 - cholropicrin vomiting gas
n.清熱止嘔 - clering away heat to stop vomiting
n.止嘔 - controlling nausea and vomiting
n.膽咳 - cough with vomiting of bile
n.週期性嘔吐 - cyclic vomiting
n.腹瀉及嘔吐 - diarrhea and vomiting
n.散飲止嘔 - dispelling fluid-retention to relieve vomiting
n.水入即吐 - drinking wrateer causes vomiting immediately
乾嘔 - dry vomiting
n.氣嘔 - emotional vomiting
n.散寒止嘔 - expelling cold to relieve vomiting
n.糞便性嘔吐,吐矢 - fecal vomiting
強制嘔吐 - forcible vomiting
n.胃原性嘔吐 - gastrogenic vomiting
n.習慣性嘔吐 - habitual vomiting
癔病性嘔吐 - hysterical vomiting
n.難控制性嘔吐 - incoercible vomiting
n.催吐 - induce vomiting
n.探吐 - inducing vomiting
n.傷乳吐 - infantile vomiting
初期嘔吐 - initial vomiting
n.精神性嘔吐 - mental vomiting
n.傷乳吐 - milk vomiting
n.夜啼嘔吐 - morbid noturnal crying and vomiting of baby
早晨嘔吐 - morning vomiting
n.泛惡欲吐 - nausea and readiness to vomiting
噁心,嘔吐 - nausea and vomiting
妊娠噁心嘔吐,妊娠嘔吐 - nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
神經性嘔吐 - nervous vomiting
n.小兒蟲吐 - parasite vomiting in children
週期性嘔吐 - periodic vomiting
n.周圍性嘔吐 - peripheral vomiting
n.惡性孕吐,惡阻 - pernicious vomiting
n.止嘔 - pervent vomiting
n.小兒痰濕吐 - phlegm-wetness vomiting in children
n.上膈 - postcibal vomiting
n.死後嘔吐 - postmortem vomiting
n.止嘔 - preventing or arresting vomiting
n.噴射性嘔吐 - projectile vomiting
n.精神性週期性嘔吐 - psychogenic cyclical vomiting
n.精神性嘔吐 - psychogenic vomiting