cantina[kæn'ti:nə]n. 酒吧;小酒店;掛在鞍頭的袋子
cantina 小酒店;酒吧;酒莊(意);小酒吧;Cantina de Coloane 路環飯堂;Cantina da Taipa 仔飯堂;Javyar's Cantina 城市下層酒吧;城市下層的酒吧;Mos Eisley Cantina 莫斯·艾斯利 酒館;
1.Lando Calrissian happened to be in a cantina in Taanab's spaceport city of Pandath, observing the situation on a holovid. 蘭多·卡瑞森恰好在塔那伯的太空港城市潘達斯的小酒館裡,在全息播放器上看到了情況。
2.Tel heroically cornered the murderer of Aneesa's father in a cantina and bested the villain in combat, collecting the bounty. 在一家小酒館裡,泰爾英勇地把殺害安妮莎父親的兇手逼入死角,打倒了這個惡棍,領到了賞金。
3.Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage. 摩斯