Gastropodan. 腹足綱(等於Gastropod)
Gastropoda 腹足綱;腹足類;腹足鋼;螺科;Class Gastropoda 腹足綱;
1.Investigation on terrestrial mollusk in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia, Pulomnata); 貴陽地區陸生貝類調查初報——(腹足綱:前鰓亞綱,肺螺亞綱。
2.Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head. 腹足科眾多水生或陸棲軟體動物中的一種,通常帶有一螺旋似的厚殼,足寬且向內旋,腦袋清晰。
3.Bivalve and gastropoda are the main species building up the shell ridge, of which the content of shell is more than 95%. This is rarely compared with other shell rigs in the world. 通過貝殼種屬調查發現貝殼灘脊的主要組成物質是生活在潮間帶和潮下帶的腹足類和瓣鰓類殼體,屬於近源堆積,貝殼物質含量高達95%以上。