hatcher['hætʃə]n. 孵卵器;孵卵的動物;策劃者;陰謀者
hatcher 孵化器;孵化場;孵卵器;船舷門;Billy Hatcher 比利;hatcher machinator 策劃者;Mickey Hatcher 米奇·海契;Teri Hatcher 泰瑞·海切爾;泰瑞-海切爾;泰莉海契;泰瑞海契;
1.Teri Hatcher opted for a similar look, adding a touch of sparkle to a simple white gown. 泰瑞·海切爾和前面的影星一樣選擇了相似的打扮,一條炫目的腰帶裝點著簡潔的白色禮服。
2.As a hatcher, I accumulated many experiences and tasted the puzzle at the beginning, the misgivings during prosecution and learned to play to the score in scene. 作為一個策劃組長,在這次活動中積累了不少組織一次活動的經驗,體驗了從開始的苦苦思索到真正開展時的擔憂和現場時處理問題的隨機應變,收穫了很多。
3.It hackles the popular view in academia such as the gatekeeper, hatcher, the head of consensus, and brings forward its own opinion, which is the innovation of the article. 著重對現在學界的流行看法諸如把關人、策劃人、輿論領袖等進行梳理,並提出了自己的見解,這也是本文的創新點之一。