





a. brief ,fiddling ,minuscule ,small


a. big ,large ,much


little['litl]adj. 小的;很少的;短暫的;小巧可愛的adv. 完全不n. 少許;沒有多少;短時間


little 小的;稍偏;幾乎沒有;少許;Little Comfort 白日夢遊(廣告主打曲);白日夢遊;白日夢遊2;白日夢2;Little Dorrit 小杜麗;小杜瑞特;小多利;小杜麗?;Little star 小星星;哥特式金屬;下載小星星;試聽小星星;Little Italy 小意大利;小意大利區;小義大利;小義大利區;


1.Little by little and bit by bit! 喜歡一點點平凡,一絲絲簡單!

2.We dress the little dog in winter. 冬天我們替這小狗穿上衣服。

3.Our family is like a little chicken. 咱們家現在也就是一隻小雞。


He's stepped out of the office for a little while. - 他離開辦公室剛一會兒。

No, no, I'm just a little upset. - 沒有,沒有受傷,只是情緒有點不穩。

And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it. - 對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。

Can't you make it a little cheaper? - 你不能算便宜一點?

Sometimes it sounds a little stubbon. - 有時候,這顯得有點固執。

That's a little more than we had planned. - 這比我們計劃的多了一些。

Could you tell me a little about your background? - 能否請您簡短地談一下貴公司的背景?

The price. Isn't it possible to give us even a little more discount? - 價格問題。難道不能多打點折扣嗎?

So soon? Can't you stay a little longer? - 就要走啊?你不能多呆一會兒嗎?

Michelle is a little shy. Michelle - 有點不好意思。

And that's dear little Max. - 那是親愛的小Max。

We'll come upstairs and get you in a little while. - 我們待會兒就上樓來帶你下去。

I came home a little while ago. - 我也是剛剛到家。

It's good, but it's a little expensive. - 很好,不過價格有一點貴。

I think it will let up in a little while. - 我想馬上就會停的。

That sounds good. Let's soak up a little vitamin D. - 聽起來不錯,讓我們攝入一點維生素D吧。

Yes, both. Last trip I fished a little and hiked three miles. - 是的,兩者都做。上次出去時,我釣了一會兒魚,又步行了三英里。

Can I spray a little on my wrist? - 我能在我的手腕上噴一點嗎?

Just a little off all over off the sides. - 兩邊都稍微短一點

Can you give me a little deal on this? - 這能賣得便宜一點嗎?

May I take a picture of you and your little boy? - 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一張照嗎?

Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. - 好的。這兒有巧克力冰淇淋、 咖啡冰淇淋和一點香草的。

It might be a little cold. - 可能有點涼了。

To apologize for leaving so early,I brought you a little gift. - 為了表示我對提早走掉的歉意,我給你帶了一件小禮物。

It's a perfect day for it--a little cloudy but nice and warm. - 今天是最好的看球天氣,有點雲,但舒適暖和。

We should all take a little break before dessert. - 吃甜點之前我們大家應該稍微休息一下。

One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play. - 一次小小的達陣得分 只剩下三分鐘了。

Oh, you poor little thing. - 哦,可憐的小東西。

and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel. - 告訴Levinson夫婦他們可愛的小獵犬在我們這。

With a little help from the ASPCA, - 可以請ASPCA幫忙,

I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family. - 看到這隻狗沒有家 我真難過。

because we have a little surprise for you today. - 因為今天我們要給各位一項驚喜。

always makes one a little nervous. - 總是讓人有些緊張。

I'm a little uncertain. - 我有點猶豫不決。

This is a little difficult for her. - 這對她來說有點不習慣。

but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers. - 我正利用一點時間輕鬆一下。

I'd like to use my brain a little more. - 我想多用用我的腦子。

Oh, it's a sweet-sounding name for a sweet little boy. - 噢, 好一個甜美悅耳的名字 ,配個甜美的小孩。

He's the sweetest little thing. - 他是最可愛的小傢伙。

He's a little quiet. - 他有點沉靜。

He's like a little doll. - 他像個小洋娃娃。

He's so little ... so new. - 他這麼小……這麼幼……

Remember that wonderful little balcony - 還記得那個美妙小陽台,

And your little surprise, Pete? - 你的小驚喜呢, Pete?

Maybe some of us would like to pay a little bit more - 也許我們之中有一些人願意多付一點錢

it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. - 競選活動需要花一些錢。

A little over two hours. - 兩個鐘頭多一點。

It's still a little over two hours, Harry. - 仍然還有兩個多小時, Harry。

Would you like to give her a little farewell party? - 你要不要為她舉行一個小型歡送派對?

My family just bought a dog, it's no bad, Just a little messy I think. - 我家剛剛買了一隻狗,還算不錯,只是有點髒而已。


herb of smooth ranched supplejack; little leaf supplejack; littleleaf supolejack - 光枝勾兒茶

thin nebula causing little visual defect - 冰瑕障

thrist but drinking little water - 口乾飲水不多

cough with little sputum - 咳嗽痰少

grume; little heap - 小堆

digitus minimus; fifth finger; little finger - 小指

musculus opponens digiti minimi; opposing muscle of little finger - 小指對掌肌

musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis manus; short flexor muscle of little finger - 小指短屈肌

drug with little toxicity - 常毒

a sick man has little taste for food - 病人吃東西沒有味道

dry tongue with little saliva - 舌干無津


n.病人吃東西沒有味道 - a sick man has little taste for food

小指展肌 - abductor muscle of little finger

小趾展肌 - abductor muscle of little toe

n.咳嗽痰少 - cough with little sputum

n.常毒 - drug with little toxicity

n.舌干無津 - dry tongue with little saliva

n.小指對掌肌 - opposing muscle of little finger

n.小指短屈肌 - short flexor muscle of little finger

n.冰瑕障 - thin nebula causing little visual defect

n.口乾飲水不多 - thrist but drinking little water


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