noncombat[nɔn'kɔmbæt]adj. 非戰鬥的
1.They called into question why such a large force was needed for noncombat operations. 他們引發了如此大的力量為什麼對於非戰鬥行動被需要的問題。
2.Combat losses were mounting and pilots were being killed in noncombat crashes due to poor maintenance of planes. 戰鬥造成的損失在不斷攀升,而且由於糟糕的飛機維護情況,在非戰鬥狀態中,還有飛行員墜機身亡。
3.Ricks also calls Obama's promise to get the combat troops out "a meaningless phrase…There are no noncombat troops in the U. S. military. There is no pacifist wing of the military." 裡克斯還把奧巴馬承諾要撤離戰鬥部隊的說法稱為「無稽之談……美軍沒有什麼非戰鬥部隊,也沒有反戰派的軍人。」