yorktownn. 約克城(美國弗吉尼亞州東南部城鎮)
Yorktown 約克鎮;Yorktown Class 約克城級;約克鎮級;Yorktown Campaign 約克敦戰役;Yorktown Heights 美國紐約州約克城高地;鎮高地;Siege of Yorktown 之圍;
1.Martha (nicknamed Patsy), who died in 1770 as a young woman, and John, who perished in the service of his country, at the siege of Yorktown at the age of 2
7. 瑪薩(暱稱帕特茜)初長成人就於1770年過世;約翰在27歲時,為保衛國家在約克鎮的突圍戰中陣亡。
2.Before Mr McCain's speech on the Yorktown, Phil Gramm, a former senator, praised his wife, Cindy McCain, noting her decision to adopt a Bangladeshi orphan who might otherwise have died. 在他在「約克城」號航母上發表演講前,前參議員菲爾。格拉姆稱讚其妻辛迪。麥凱恩收養一名柬埔寨棄嬰之舉,而非讓其自生自滅。
3.Cornwallis:British military and political leader who commanded forces in North Carolina during the american Revolution. His surrender at Yorktown in 1781 marked the final British defeat. 康華里:美國革命中指揮北卡羅來納州士兵的英國軍事和政治領導。1781年在約克郡投降標誌著英國的最終失敗。