ADBabbr. 亞洲開發銀行(Asian Development Bank);北極鑽探駁船(Arctic Drill Barge)
ADB 亞洲開發銀行;Asian Development Bank;亞洲發展銀行;亞洲開發銀行;ADB AppleDesktopBus 蘋果台式機總線;ADB rider 名詞} [保險] [縮寫;The ADB 亞洲開發銀行;ADB News 非洲開發銀行消息;
1.Still, senior ADB economist Jong-Wha Lee warns a sustainable economic recovery still depends on the fate of major industrial powers. 然而,亞洲開發銀行高級經濟師李鍾和警告說,持久性的經濟復甦仍依賴於主要工業大國。
2.The ADB noted that the report referred to in Transcaucasia in Asia covering the vast region to the Pacific coast, including Russia and Japan. 亞行指出,該報告所指的亞洲涵蓋外高加索至太平洋沿岸的廣大區域,其中包括俄羅斯和日本。
3.The ADB instead recommends governments focus on policies that lift the incomes of the poor, such as improving rural access to health, education and social protection. 亞發行則建議各國政府將注意力集中在提高窮人收入的政策上,比如改善農村的衛生保健、教育和社會保障。