head fold-Cephalic fold 頭褶;head fold-Cephalic fold 頭褶;accordant fold 諧調褶皺;同向褶曲;Vocal fold adduction 釋義:聲帶內收;accordant fold 諧調褶皺;同向褶曲;
1.If both limbs of overturned fold have same dip angle , we call this special overturned fold isoclinal fold. 如果倒轉褶皺構造的兩翼傾角相等,則可稱這種特殊類型的倒轉褶皺為等斜褶皺。
2.In the inner part of the rock, we found that stratigraphic gap and inversion, and the fold-shapes show a series of pitching fold, appressed homoclinal fold and recumbent. 蓋層內部地層缺失、倒置現象普遍,褶皺形態表現為一系列傾伏褶皺—緊密同斜褶皺—平臥褶皺,據其形態特徵可辯出兩期性質不同褶皺幕。
3.There are three basic type faults, that is, fault-propagation fold, fault-bending fold and detachment fold. All of them are important hydrocarbon traps. 斷層傳播褶皺、斷層轉折褶皺與滑脫褶皺共同構成了斷層相關褶皺的三種基本類型,是重要的油氣圈閉構造。
4.a sheath fold looks like a scabbard or human's tongue. Its fold axial plane or flattened plane is parallel to the foliation and there is strong stretching lineation on the sheath fold. 鞘褶皺看起來像一把鞘或是像人的舌頭,它的褶皺軸面或壓扁面是平行岩石中的片理面的,鞘褶皺上有強烈的拉伸線理。
5.If both limbs of overturned fold have same dip angle , we call this special overturned fold isoclinal fold. 如果倒轉褶皺構造的兩翼傾角相等,則可稱這種特殊類型的倒轉褶皺為等斜褶皺。
You fold the fliers. - 你來摺傳單。
Do you always fold the clothes after you bring them in off the line? - 你把衣物從曬衣繩收下來時,會把它疊好嗎?
two fold axis of symmetry - 二重對稱軸
longitudinal fold of duodenum; plica longitudinalis duodeni - 十二指腸縱襞
fold of laryngeal nerve; plica nerve laryngei - 喉神經襞
fold recipe; folk recipe; local recipe - 土方
n. fold pressure - 折皺壓力
examination of nail fold microcirculation - 甲皺微循環檢查
pllica transversales recti; transverse fold of rectum - 直腸橫襞
fold of incus; plica incudis - 砧骨襞
mucosal fold interruption - 粘膜皺襞中斷
mucosal fold hypertrophy - 粘膜皺襞增粗
fold of ductus deferens - 輸精管襞
douglas fold; douglas folds; fold rectouterine; plica rectouterina - 道格拉斯氏襞
anterior fold of malleus; plica mallealis anterior - 錘骨前襞
plica mallealis posterior; posterior fold of malleus - 錘骨後襞
fold of tympanic cord; plica chordae tympani - 鼓索襞
anterior fold of tympanic membrane; plica membranae tympani anterior - 鼓膜前皺襞
plica membranae tympani posterior; posterior fold of tympanic membrane - 鼓膜後皺壁
翼狀褶,翼狀韌帶 - alar fold
n.前羊膜褶 - anterior amniotic fold
n.腋前襞 - anterior axillary fold
n.錘骨前襞 - anterior fold of malleus
n.鼓膜前皺襞 - anterior fold of tympanic membrane
杓狀會厭襞 - aryepiglottic fold
腋襞 - axillary fold
架橋襞,橋狀褶 - bridging fold
n.甲皺毛細血管袢 - capillary loops of nail fold
n.關節囊皺折 - capsule fold
尾褶 - caudal fold
頭褶,頭葉 - cephalic fold
n.先天性視網膜皺褶 - congenital retinal fold
n.道格拉斯氏襞 - douglas fold
十二指腸襞 - duodenal fold
n.十二指腸空腸襞 - duodenojejunal fold
n.內眥贅皮 - epicanthal fold
n.內眥贅皮 - epicanthine fold
n.甲皺微循環檢查 - examination of nail fold microcirculation
n.傘襞 - fimbriated fold
n.胃胰襞 - gastropancreatic fold
n.生殖褶 - genital fold
齦頰襞 - gingivobuccal fold
齦唇襞 - gingivolabial fold
臀溝 - gluteal fold
n.鼻淚管襞 - hasners fold
頭褶 - head fold
n.回盲襞 - ileocecal fold
n.十二指腸下襞 - inferior duodenal fold
n.腹壁下動脈襞 - inferior epigastrieartery fold
輸尿管間褶 - interureteric fold
n.淚襞 - lacrimal fold
n.舌會厭外側襞 - lateral glossoepiglottic fold
n.臍外側襞 - lateral umbilical fold
n.十二指腸縱襞 - longitudinal fold of duodenum
n.螺旋襞 - lpiral fold
n.邊緣褶 - marginal fold
內側鼻褶 - medial nasal fold
內側臍褶 - medial umbilical fold
n.臍內側襞 - medial umvbilical fold
舌會厭正中襞 - median glossoepiglottic fold
n.臍中襞 - median umbilical fold
髓褶,神經褶 - medullary fold
n.甲皺循環 - microcirculation of nail fold
n.舌會厭正中襞 - middle glosso-epiglottic fold
舌會厭正中襞 - middle glossoepiglottic fold
n.頰粘膜襞,移行皺襞 - mucobuccal fold
n.粘膜襞 - mucosal fold
n.粘膜皺襞增粗 - mucosal fold hypertrophy
n.粘膜皺襞中斷 - mucosal fold interruption