incorporator[in'kɔ:pəreitə]n. 合併者;法人創立者,公司創辦人
incorporator 公司創辦人;法人創立者;合併者, 法人創立者;組織公司的發起人;donor incorporator 捐助設立人;subscriber incorporator 捐助設立人;amalgamator incorporator 合併者;dummy incorporator 掛名的公司創辦人;
1.The non-incorporator society has substantial contracts with other organizations in our civil law branch. 我國相關法律中提到的「其他組織」與非法人團體有著實質聯繫,但二者的範圍並不一致。
2.In addition, we are incorporator of the Global Fastener Alliance (GFA), an international cooperation of specialists in the field of fastening technology. 該聯盟的目標是為其成員在世界各地的客戶提供高檔的緊固件產品和技術。
3.Non-incorporator society should be the natural society with its own will, property-managing and civil relationships created in its own name, but in hasn't the legal position of corporation. 非法人罷休是指具有獨立意志和可支配性財產,並能以自己的名義對外參與民事活動,但又不具有法人資格的自然人組成的有機體。