n. major planet ,satellite
planetsn. 行星;星球(planet的複數形式)
planets 八大行星;行星;行星:占星學上通常是指太陽、月亮、水星、金星、火星、 木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星;九大行星;inferior planets 內行星 指水星和金星,有時也包括火星;內行星:指水星和金星, 有時也包括火星;近行星;內行星;terrestrial planets 類地行星;內行星;Other planets 其他行星;Coin Planets 星之金幣;
1.Eight other planets also go around the Sun. 還有其他八顆行星圍繞太陽運行。
2.In the suns they remember, and in the planets they forget. 喺太陽度,渠地會記得;喺行星度,渠地會遺忘。
3.In their recollection, they began to cast life upon barren planets that could sustain life inside the Great Central Sun. 在他們的回憶中,他們開始在貧瘠的行星上鑄造生命並能在大中樞太陽裡維持生命。
Recent developments in astronomy have made it possible to detect planets in our won Milky Way and in other galaxies. - 天文學方面最新發展使得我們能夠在銀河系和其他星系發現行星。
This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and old not emit light. - 這是一個重要的成就,因為相對來說,行星很小,而且也不發光。
Finding planets is proving hard enough, but finding life on them will prove infinitely more difficult. - 尋找行星證明相當困難,但是要在行星上發現生命會變得無比艱難。
Of all the planets in our own solar system, - 在我們太陽系的所有行星中,
and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. - 除此以外,太陽系的其他行星的溫度都接近絕對零度,並圍繞著以氫氣為主的大氣層。
But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, - 但是,其他的太陽,即天文學家所說的恆星,肯定會有像我們地球一樣的行星。
But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets ----the astronomical distances which separate us. - 然而,在和外星人聯繫中我們遇到的最大困難是分隔我們的天文距離。