





n. closed chain ,doughnut ,gang ,hoopv. echo ,encircle ,knell ,peal


n. open chain


ring[riŋ]vi. 按鈴;敲鐘;迴響;成環形n. 戒指;鈴聲,鐘聲;拳擊場;環形物vt. 按鈴;包圍;敲鐘;套住


ring 年輪;戒指的;環,大三芯環端,冷端接點,振鈴;戒指;R Love ing Risksxtension Clause 賽艇危險延展條款;ring up 打電話;打電話給;把…記入現金進出記錄機;美> 把(款項)記入現金記錄機, 登錄;bearing ring 軸承套圈;之框;軸承油環;支承環;signet ring 印章戒指;署名戒指;圖章戒指;印章戒指-----------;


1.The telephone rang again when I left the office. 在我離開辦公室時電話的鈴聲又響起來。

2.Ring any time you need help . 需要幫助時請隨時按鈴。

3.If I knew his telephone number, I would ring him up. 要是我知道他的電話號碼,我會給他打電話的。


OK. We'll ring you up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. - 嗯,我們會在明天6點整叫您。

Whats your ring size? - 你的戒指是幾號的?

I want to buy an engagement ring for my fiancee. - 我想為我的未婚妻買一枚訂婚戒指。

Can I ring you up? - 我可以給你打電話嗎?

Does the name Harvey Carlson ring a bell? - 對Harvey Carlson這個名字有印象嗎?

Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger, - 現在, 你一旦將戒指戴上Susan的手指,

Her ring glitters with a big diamond. - 她的戒指上的鑽石閃閃發光。

Give me a ring at my office. - 打電話到我辦公室。

Would you please tell me your phone number so that we'll ring you up as soon as the remittance arrives? - 您能否把電話號碼告訴我,以便匯款一到就給您打電話?

It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. - 我用了10分鐘的時間才說服她過會兒再來電話。

By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. - 好像連牛也在為他感到遺憾,

Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. - 後來,門多薩與漢弗萊斯再次在拳擊場上較量,門多薩又輸了一場。

Yes. He wanted you to ring him. - 留了。他要你給他打電話。

Yes. I'll ring them today. - 能。我今天就給他們打電話。

Can you ring up the bus company? - 你能給汽車公司打個電話嗎?

Can you ask her to ring me back, please? - 你能請她給我回個電話嗎?

I'll have to ring you back, as I need to have a look at my diary and I haven't got it with me. - 我得(等會兒)再給你回電話,因為我要先看看我的日記,而我沒有把它帶在身邊。

Can you ring me back right away? - 你能立刻回個電話嗎?

OK. I'll ring you if I have any news. - 好吧。一有消息我就給你打電話。

Could you ask him to ring me, please? My number is 181 584 9662. - 麻煩你請他給我打個電話來,我的號碼是181 584 9662。

No. He just asked if you could ring him back. Here's the number. - 沒有,他只問你能不能給他回一個電話。這是他的電話號碼。

That sounds like a good idea. I have a few friends I could ring to see if they're free. - 聽起來是個好主意。我可以打電話給我的幾個朋友看看他們是否有空。

Imagine a railway station, a bus company or a cinema, which many people need to ring to find out the times of trains, buses or films. - 想一想,有許多人需要打電話到火車站、汽車公司或電影院,以便弄清火車、汽車的起始時間或電影放映的時間吧。

Then, instead of having someone answering the phone all day, people can ring up the railway station and listen to a tape recording of the information. - 然後,人們可以打電話到火車站,從錄音電話中獲取信息,而不要安排一個專人整天接電話。


milk ring test; mrt - 乳汁環狀試驗

ring register - 動態寄存器

cabots ring bodies; cabots rings - 卡伯特氏環

eltons ring test - 埃爾頓氏環試驗

retraction ring of uterus - 子宮收縮環

physiologic retraction ring of uterus - 子宮生理縮復環

pathological retraction ring of uterus - 子宮病理收縮環

spasmotic constriction ring of uterus - 子宮痙攣性狹窄環

ring opening - 開環

ring shift - 循環移位

ring formation - 成環作用

ring test; ringtest - 成環試驗

finger ring saw - 戒指鋸

ring enlargement - 擴環作用

digitus annularis; fourth finger; ring finger - 無名指

constriction ring dystocia - 收縮環性難產

n. seamless ring rolling - 無縫環軋

n. seamless ring rolling - 無縫環軋制

n. ring wear - 活塞環磨損

nuclear substitution; ring substitution - 環上取代

ring centriole - 環中心粒

ring seal - 環封閉

ring isomerism - 環異構

ring heater - 環形加熱器

doughnut pessary; ring pessary - 環形子宮托

ring formation - 環形成

ring scotoma - 環形暗點

ring stage - 環形期

ring chromosome - 環形染色體

n. ring runner - 環形橫澆口

n. ring gate - 環形澆道

ring abscess - 環形膿腫

ring corneal ulcer - 環形角膜潰瘍

ring cleavage - 環扎破裂

digitus annularis; fourth finger; ring finger - 環指

ring inserting tester - 環插入測試儀

ring modulus - 環模數

epoxide; epoxy compound; ring oxide; ringoxide - 環氧化物

ring oven technique - 環爐術

ring oven method - 環爐法

ring knife - 環狀刀

ring homology - 環狀同系現象

ring packed column - 環狀填充柱

ring type polypeptide - 環狀多肽

doughnut pessary; ring pessary - 環狀子宮托

ring joint - 環狀接合

ring contraction - 環狀收縮

annular scotoma; ring scotoma - 環狀暗點

ring chromesome - 環狀染色體

ring nucleus; ringed nucleus - 環狀核


n.金實不鳴 - a solid bell can not ring

n.腹外環 - abdominal external ring

n.腹股溝管腹環 - abdominal inguinal ring

移動環管 - ambulacral ring canal

n.年輪 - annual ring

環狀輪 - annular ring

肛門 - anal ring

n.肛門直腸環 - anorectal ring

n.芳環 - aromatic ring

n.心臟房室環 - atrio-ventricular ring

房室環 - atrioventricular ring

n.內酰胺式 - b-lactam ring

n.班都氏環 - bandls ring

n.苯環 - benzene ring

n.內酯酶 - beta-lactone ring

n.橋環 - bridge ring

n.卡伯特氏環 - cabots ring bodies

n.碳環 - carboatomic ring

n.鑄型圈 - casting ring

n.膽烷環 - cholane ring

n.染色體環 - chromosome aberrations ring

n.染色體環 - chromosome ring

n.睫狀環 - ciliary ring

n.稠環,縮合環 - condensed ring

n.接觸圈 - contact ring

結膜環 - conjunctival ring

縮窄環,狹窄環 - constriction ring

n.收縮環性難產 - constriction ring dystocia

n.節育環叉 - contracepotive ring applicator

避孕環 - contraceptive fitting ring

n.節育環 - contraceptive ring

收縮環 - contraction ring

n.班都氏環 - contraction ring of uterus

n.銅離子節育環 - copper-ion releasing type contraceptve ring

角膜環 - corneal ring

n.腹股溝管深環 - deep inguinal ring

n.擴散環 - diffusion ring

n.瓣環擴大 - dilatation of valvular ring

雙環現象 - double ring phenomenon

n.彈體封圈 - elastic sealing ring

n.埃爾頓氏環試驗 - eltons ring test

n.食管環 - esophageal ring

n.腹內環顯露 - exposure of internal abdominal ring

假年輪 - false annual ring

n.股環 - femoral ring

n.纖維軟骨環 - fibrocartilaginous ring

n.纖維環 - fibrous ring of heart

n.戒指鋸 - finger ring saw

n.弗來捨爾氏角膜環 - fleischer keratoconus ring

n.節育花 - flower type contraceptive ring


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