smellier['smeli]adj.smelly的變形adj.有氣味的;有臭味(或強烈氣味)的;散發臭味的變形: smellier , smelliest
1.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellier compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. 一般認為人的感覺比動物遲鈍,(1)但這在很大程度上是因為,(2)不同於動物的是,人是直立的。
2.Indeed, a second reason for a smellier future is the innovation that will flow from advances both in our understanding of how different smells affect the mind and in new techniques to deliver them. 實際上,之所以在未來使用更多氣味的也是同時順應了兩個發展——我們對於不同氣味如何影響心智的理解,和如何使用新技術將不同氣味傳遞出去。