ala['eilə]n. 翼,翅
Ala 丙氨酸;美國圖書館協會;亞麻酸;阿拉木圖;ala twin 軸雙晶;caudal ala 尾翼;ALA ALBA 魔法老師 白之翼;白色之翼;Falah Ala 英國教授法拉哈·阿拉;
1.People look at the wreck of a wooden ship uncovered by Hurricane Ike on a beach on Fort Morgan Road in Fort Morgan, Ala. 九月十六日週二,民眾在阿拉巴馬州摩根堡的摩根堡路旁沙灘上,觀看被颶風艾克吹上岸而被發現的木船。
2.TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — After white parents in this racially mixed city complained about school overcrowding, school authorities set out to draw up a sweeping rezoning plan. 阿拉巴馬---在多種族混合城市的白人家長抱怨學校過於擁擠之後,學校當局宣佈著手制定重新分區計劃。
3.Ala Mogaskiya from Niger's opposition Front for the Defense of Democracy says President Tandja's move to rule by decree is an attempt to subvert civilian democratic rule. 莫加斯克亞是尼日爾反對派『民主保衛陣線』的成員,他說坦賈總統想要以總統法令來治國是推翻文官民主統治的企圖。
ala lobuli centralis; ala of central lobule; wing of central lobule - 中央小葉翼
ala major; greater wing - 大翼
ala minor; lesser wing; small wing - 小翼
levator muscle of upper lip and ala of nose - 提上唇鼻翼法
ala nasi; wing of nose - 方上
ala cinerea; ash-like wing - 灰翼
ala of vomer; ala vomeris - 犁骨翼
ala major ossis sphenoidalis; great wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨大翼
ala minor ossis sphenoidalis; small wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨小翼
ala cristae galli; ala of crista galli - 雞冠翼
ala nasi; alae nasi; wing of nose; wing of the nise; wing of the nose - 鼻翼
尾翼 - caudal ala
n.提上唇鼻翼法 - levator muscle of upper lip and ala of nose