docent[dəu'sent, 'dəusənt]n. 講師;講解員
docent 講師;講解者;解說員;導賞;private docent 編外講師;Privat Docent 作為編外教師;Name machinator docent 中國首位取名策劃學專業講師;docent instructor lector lectuer lecturer prelector reader 講師;
1.The docent pointed out that the entire courthouse is very open –spiral stairs lead to exterior without physical doors blocking the path. 法院的整體設計是很開放的,螺旋形的樓梯從中間就接到庭園,沒有門可以把整棟建築封閉起來。
2.The system of private docent helps us to reflect on the questions such as how to select academic successors, how to promote teachers to professors, and how to inspirit teachers. 編外講師制度為我們思考如何選拔學術接班人、如何晉陞教授、如何激勵大學教師等問題提供了有益的啟示。
3.The docent volunteer is a special role between the staff in the museum and audiences. If they do their best in the wok, they will obtain more identification with value from audiences. 導覽志工這個介於館員與觀眾之間的特殊角色若可以在工作場域克盡職守、發揮所長,其實是可以讓博物館得到更多觀眾的價值認同。