





encourage athletics 鼓勵開展體育運動;encourage 鼓勵;鼓勵,激勵;鼓舞;激勵;to encourage 鼓勵;激進;打氣;鼓舞;encourage in 鼓勵(在什麼方面鼓勵);促進;encourage economy 鼓勵節約;


1.When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. 當我們鼓勵他人鼓足勇氣的時候,我們便激發了他們的解決問題的能力。就像在學校裡,我們設置一些問題讓孩子們解答一樣。

2.When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. 想要提升人們的思想水平,就要提高他們解決問題的能力,就像我們出題讓孩子解答一樣。

3.Do scientists say anything about charging rent to encourage dispersal? 科學家們有說過關於收租金來鼓勵分散嗎?

4.One argument advanced in America is that wide income disparities might encourage more people to want to go to college, thus creating a better-educated workforce. 美國還有人提出一種說法,就是收入大幅不平等會鼓勵更多人想去上大學,從而產生受教育程度更高的勞動力群體。

5.To achieve such a change, however, India would need to shift its focus from peasant farming to agribusiness and encourage private capital to move from urban to rural areas. 然而,為實現這一轉變,印度必需把重點從農耕經濟轉移到農業綜合企業,鼓勵私有資本從城市轉移到農村。


By doing that, it will encourage reading. - 這樣做能鼓勵閱讀。

a way to encourage reading. - 鼓勵閱讀的辦法。

Second, we have to make an effort to encourage American companies to do business in our country. - 第二,我們必須鼓勵美國公司在我國開展業務。

Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air. - 與此同時,他們對我們中的那些游不了5碼就已喘不過氣來的人應該是種鼓舞。

The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. - 城裡大多數人都希望促進這一地區工業的發展。

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