nastier['nɑ:sti; 'næs-]adj.nasty1的變形adj. 骯髒的,齷齪的,邋遢的污穢的,下流的;卑鄙的下賤的,低賤的(氣味)令人作嘔的(天氣等)極惡劣的,使人感到難受的討厭的,難相處的;難搞的;煩人的惡意的,惡毒的,凶相的凶險的,險惡的;嚴重的厲害的,激烈的[美國俚語、黑人用語]極棒的,帥的n. 下流坯,邋遢鬼骯髒東西,下賤東西令人不快的事物短語: a nasty one令人難堪的問題令人不快的經歷嚴重的挫敗;使人一蹶不振的打擊a nasty piece (或bit) of work(或goods) 討厭的傢伙,卑鄙的人something nasty in the woodshed 精神創傷,使心靈受到創傷的經歷;內心的隱痛變形: nastier , nastiest
1.The mix is made even nastier by the pesticides and antibiotics needed to keep the crop alive. 污穢的水甚至被殺蟲劑和保持飼養物存活需要的抗生素搞得更加骯髒。
2.The treatment of Roma is central Europe's worst social problem, and it could easily turn a lot nastier. 對待羅馬的方式問題是中歐最糟的社會問題,並且有可能輕易變得更糟。
3.A sharp slowdown in China now would have much nastier global consequences than in the past, and the Chinese economy has weaknesses. 如果中國經濟猛然下滑,其影響必然比過去打得多,而且中國經濟也有其軟肋。