Policy Selection For Non-profit Cultural Undertakings Absorbing Social Power----With Zhejiang Non-governmental Museums As An Example 下一篇論文: 公益性文化事業吸納社會力量的政策選擇----以浙江民辦博物館為例;retain varying portions of profit over and above the assigned profit norm 超額利潤分成,超額利潤留成;Profit by Timing Marketing border Lag Profit Marketing 整時銷售」 與「晚盈利」;Visits and Inpatients in Non-profit Hospitals by Region in 年各地區非營利醫院診療人次及住院人數;non-profit kindergartens 非牟利幼兒園;
1.This thesis analyses that the non-profit organization plays important role in the field of socialized supporting the old , the problems the the non-profit bead house has and the ideas and suggestion. 本文分析的就是在我國進入老齡化社會這樣嚴峻的形勢下,非營利組織介入社會化養老,扮演著重要的角色,起著非同尋常的作用,並分析了非營利組織存在的一些問題,提出了若干意見和建議。
2.This article risen from the enaction of the Decision of the Reform of Medical Care System in Town in 2000, which divides China's hospitals into profit and non-profit categories. 本文問題的提出基於2000年國務院《關於城鎮醫藥衛生體制改革的指導意見》決定在我國實行醫院的「營利性」和「非營利性」分類管理。
3.This article rises from the enaction of the Decision of the Reform of Medical Care System in Town in 2000, which divides China's hospitals into profit and non profit categories. 本文問題的提出基於2000年國務院《關於城鎮醫藥衛生體制改革的指導意見》決定在我國實行醫院的「營利性」和「非營利性」分類管理。
4.Promoting management efficiency is always a big concern either to profit-making or non-profit-making organizations. 一個組織,不論其為營利還是非營利,都希望組織的運作具有效率。
5.NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) refer to the independent sections that aim at enhancing social commonweal instead of gaining profit. 非營利機構(NPO)是指不以獲取利潤為目的,而以推進社會公益為宗旨的獨立部門。