cemeteriesn. 墓地;墓園;公共墳場(cemetery的複數形式)
Cemeteries 公墓地;墓地;公墓;T Cemeteries of Paris 英國藍調搖滾;Cemeteries Of London 倫敦公墓;酷玩樂隊;悲歎倫敦;Cemeteries and Crematoria Office 墳場及火葬場辦事處 公眾衛生;墳場及火葬場辦事處;Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries 華人永遠墳場管理委員會;華人永遠墳場管理委員會 社會福利;華人永遠墳場管理委員會 公眾衛生;
1.In other districts the proximity of cemeteries seemed to aggravate the disease. 在其它地區裡,鄰近墓地的地方,時疫大概都要嚴重些。
2.Those bodies went into one of the beautifully landscaped military cemeteries maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission. 留在歐洲的美軍陣亡將士遺體埋葬在風景如畫的軍人墓,由美國戰爭紀念委員會管理。
3.In 1953, Bethune, dwarkanath's coffin moved to Shijiazhuang City in north China Military martyrs cemetery, cemeteries and other buildings are still intact. 1953年,白求恩、柯棣華的靈柩移至石家莊市華北軍區烈士陵園,墓地和其它建築仍保持原狀。